Definition of a Good ManIn response to: "
DragonStormInAZ at :
If someone can give me the definition of a great guy so that I can aspire to such a thing, it would appreciated.
After years of throwing back large, slime covered frogs and now being partnered with a good man (who was only as hard to find as life made it) I feel qualified to fulfill your request.
Strive to be kind and considerate to all. Read and remember what is expected of a Boy Scout. A man who lives that oath is usually a fine partner. Don't forget the Golden Rule, either.
For young singles the first 5 criteria MUST be met or you will be unhappy. He or she will crash your car, run up your bills and hide behind his family when he's done with you.
You LIKE and ADMIRE each other. Love is for later. Like is what you do everyday.
You both enjoy being together in more than TWO activities. "We both like movies and sex." is not a wide enough foundation for building a life on.
Does not live with any family member.
Has gainful employment.
Supports self and one vehicle.
For the more experienced mating crowd:
Has NEVER lied to me. (except as prearrange, for cash and gifts, excludes trick questions "Does this make me look___")
Pays all debts promptly.
Has one charge card that is paid off every month.
Understands the concept "Two people live here, two people work here, two people do chores here."
Has heard about gender differentiated activities but believes they are a Greek Myth.
Comprehends the emotional and physical differences between the sexes.
Has enough self-confidence to remain un-threatened by time needed alone by partner for thinking or whatever.
Can be pleased partner is participating in an activity that he could care less about - without being jealous.
Remembers all private holidays and birthdays with appropriate gift.(: i.e. Musical Jewelry Box and handle bar mount bike repair kit.)
Says please and thank you. Rude is not cute!
Always asks or suggests - never orders.
And, my personal list:
Reads - anything, news, books, fiction, fact but reads.
Not a mama's boy.
Will NOT call me Honey, but will use Darling or Sweetheart.
Can entertain himself without my help.
Enjoys being a man but not a Nazi control freak.
Likes Sex but is not obsessed with how often, only how mutually satisfying.
Educated, by self or other, enough make interesting conversation and enjoy snappy reparte'.
Interested in the world around him.
Slightly taller than me. I like to look up to my man.
Stronger than me (how else will I get my jars opened - humor)
More cheerful than me.
Should know some good jokes & tell them well. (yes, sense of humor!)
**Love is grown, like a climbing rose.
You start by digging up the dirt. (learn about each other)
Make a deep, wide and messy hole. (Honesty, even the bad stuff)
Fill in the first layer of drainage with gravel or small rocks which hurt to find and are a pain to gather up (the hurtful, getting accquainted experiences).
Throw them deep in the bottom.
Add sand (the sweet little things) to fill in the gaps and let the water (life) filter down slowly.
Put in a good soil mix composed of rotted leaves,(history) composted bullshit (crap to be ignored) and good topsoil (Your love for each other).
Build this into a small mound for supporting the roots (experience).
THEN you take the plunge. (Make the commitment)
Put the plant in the hole, spreading the roots over the mound carefully.
Water it well (love each other) and tuck it in (and be NICE) so the roots aren't exposed to air.
The mystery begins.
You wait - for the first leaf, the first new branch, the first bud, celebrating each as a sign love lives.
When you find the first thorn, a sign that the plant lives and can protect itself. (learning to live together)
you move your fingers and find another!(More learning)
Move around and work through it until you learn how to place your fingers safely. (Experience, only gained by errors)
Now you can bend the branch gently closer to appreciate the aroma of the blossoms. (true love)
For years and years you will enjoy just that one plant that you worked for and bled on.
(WOW, that just sprouted all by itself!)