
New Day

Every day I get to start life over fresh!! Oh, yeah - except for the activities I didn't get finished yesterday - crap!

I am doing much better. I still have a couple areas of procrastination to improve but I have cured several.

Websites are going up faster and getting updated sooner, house work is getting done before I go out to play, seeing more family and friends now, just to visit with - not just when someone dies, and I am getting up earlier to have more time to procrastinate before work so I get there on time. Feeling proud!

My major failing right now seems to be that I have developed, in the last year or so, a fear of paper. I read it and stack it anywhich way. It's not getting filed, entered in the data bases, acted on, acknowledged or sorted. Every time I look at a stack and think, "I'm going to go through and get that out of here," I get palpatations, break out in a sweat and have to go find my stress vitamins.

This is so not like me! Anyone else have this problem?

But more, later...out of time to procrastinate before work!