
Well they call me the Breeze

Cause I keep rolling down the road.

Ok, I had to know, what's dangerous about rhubarb? Here is the link of the page I thought had the best information. Pretty much, unless you are using the leaves, you are safe eating it anyway you want. http://www.rhubarbinfo.com/rhubarb-poison.html .

With the boss gone I am handling the ordering, accounts payable and billing as well as my usual shipping and sales. Actively selling has been suffering but customer service has been doing fine. It means I have been too busy to blog or even read the blogs so I will be catching up this morning. The coffee is hot, the sun is up but it is still too chilly to go out and do the weed whacking I want to get done or run the roto tiller and put the seeds and bulbs in the ground that I want to plant today. So I get to look for guitar tabs on a few songs, read the blogs and catch up with you all and then get around to do chores before heading out to look for the live music that keeps my weekend functional.

I actually FINALLY bought the capo I have been whining about. That was a blow to the wallet...I used to get these hard rubber rods with a stretchy strap that had holes every inch or so for about five bucks. That was a capo. Now all they have is these strange plastic things you squeeze and clamp over the neck. Not as easy on the old hands as the strap one was but it works with one hand so you pick your poison. The shock was that these crappy plastic things were sixteen to nineteen dollars!

I also got the boom for the mic so I don't whang the guitar into the mic stand while I am playing. I got that on sale for only eighteen dollars. I forgot to look at books, luckily for me, or I would have probably spent too much.

The budget is a little tight due to the equipment purchases but I expect them to pay for themselves someday so I can handle it. I would have been ok but I had to squeeze a little to pay off that loan last week. So I am under budgeted for the month. I have decided to enjoy going to Kentucky with the cousins anyway. If the weather gets better I will take the bike, if the weather doesn't get better I will load up Little Red with all my toys and go anyway. It's just gas and groceries and with the miles I have been putting on going around for tunes on the weekends it should be close to the same.

I am taking my own vehicle so I have the freedom to stay or go at any point that I am not having fun anymore. I learned early in life that walking will get you home but bringing your own wheels gets you there quicker.

Last year at this time we were covering the garden to save the plants and blew off the Blessing of the Bikes in Baldwin that is coming again this weekend. It looks like good riding weather tomorrow and I am considering going halfway tonight and the rest of the way tomorrow. We used to go up to our friends house and spend the night then get breakfast and ride over. I don't think that will work this year.

I am thinking I will take off when it's warmer this afternoon and head that way, hit the band for awhile and then motel it one night and go in the warm of the morning instead of driving from here in the cold freezing crack of dawn. It might be fun and there are thousands of bikes there.

It means I have to wash Old Blue and get her spiffed up. Can't show up with a dirty bike. Uh, unless I take the mate's bike up. DUH! Let's see, over ten thousand bikers, wanna sell a bike...what a dummy! I just spent about six calls figuring out that if it's going up there I have to ride it myself. Ok, so now I have a project and I better get a plan in place. As in-some place to stay. This should be fun.

So, back to Wednesday was busy at work and I came running home to get the lawn mowed before it rained again. Then I had to race over to the friends that were putting it out for me and meet my other friends that will be putting it out for me. The first friend got a new Harley Tuesday and need the garage space back. The second friends have a main road right off their front yard and will be doing the same for me for a week or two. I am blessed in my friends, I should not whine when they don't behave the way I would, they are not me.

The first pair are losing their Dad slowly to old age and desiese. They thought he would go that night. I stayed to visit for awhile to distract them and we had a nice time, considering the circumstances. We got the swap made ok and then I went along home. It was almost ten and I hadn't had dinner yet. It's still hard to cook for one so I have been doing a lot of sandwiches and such. I just restocked the vegetables and soup this week. I am trying to use more fresh food but I can't eat it fast enough and waste too much. I am doing the math on eating out vs. groceries.

Thursday was wild at work but I ducked out early anyway to get those groceries and the animal food I needed before I had to get to town for the jam session. It was short some people but we all had fun anyway. There is one guy around my age that really plays guitar well, we got playing name that tune and I was enjoying that. He would play a riff and I would try to place it. I only missed one or two all night.

I got to do two songs and really had people up dancing this time. We did "Heartaches by the Numbers" and "Oh, Lonesome Me". The keys were still rough but now I have the capo I think I can find better ones. I am a pitiful rythym player and use mostly open chords as my wrist doesn't work the way I want it to for the bar chords. I'm working on it.... Then afterwards we got to play with the piano lady again and I did some real oldies, "Has Anybody Seen My Gal", "Jeepers Creepers" and we tried "Anytime" but didn't quite get it.

The hours were filled and I went home humming and thinking I better get some page protectors to put my cheat sheets into so I can arrange them better. Another project for a rainy day. And I heard two blues songs now that were on CD's of the mate's that I am trying to learn. So I am staying busy, thinking happy thoughts, staying busy, busy, too busy to think, no thinking allowed, when I think too much I cry, when I cry I can't sing and when I can't sing I can't make myself feel better.

Friday I got all the weeks business done at work and printed out a neat report for the boss so he can track it easily then took off early again. I had enough overtime in the last two weeks that I still have overtime on the check this week. That will be nice for the trip south. I made some calls from home looking for the music and headed to the town I was told would have some then there was none. The guy that told me is dyslexic so I went to the next town over, looked up my favorite waitress and found no tunes there, either. I visited a while and then headed for the last stop before home only to find my original Brother Boy and the band working when they expected to be off! Nice surprise and I enjoyed their last two sets.

Then it's back to the house and and the bed and the dogs and the stinking cat. I caught the female spraying in the house and next time I catch her I think she is going to the farm to live. I have had just about enough of coming home to hunt for the cat stink. She's down right rude about it and I am not going to deal with it much longer. I never had a female do that before. I hate to pass her on, she and the mate were buds, but I am not going to have the whole house stunk up like this either. I bleached the stuff off again but I mean really, like I need another cleaning chore to do everyday.. NOT. I'm thinkin on it.

So it's Saturday and I am going to pack up, put food and water out for the dogs, chase the cats out, they have food they can get to in the basement, and go get the mate's bike and ride it north while the sun shines so nicely.

Gotta go look up a motel for the night and figure out where to find breakfast. See ya Monday!

Comments: 5 Comments:
At 20/5/06 10:53 PM, Blogger Cyrus said...

Well, I feel much safer now that I know the real dangers of rhubarb (in all honesty, I wouldnt know a rhubarb if one bit me).

As for your spraying kitty problem... my cat went through a short-lived spraying stage, and I found that the only product that got rid of the smell - removed it so much the cat couldn't smell it anymore thereby eliminating her trigger to spray again was this natural stuff called Bi-O-Kleen Bac-Out. It contains live enzymes that basically eat up the bacteria that cause the odor.

You can buy it online here: http://www.ecoviva.com/html/bi-o-kleen.php

At 21/5/06 2:50 AM, Blogger Jezzy said...

Gawd, hubby loves apple and rhubarb crumble. Must tell him about preparing the rhubard properly!

At 21/5/06 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the road was safe and the sun shone bright for your weekend ride.

At 21/5/06 4:40 PM, Blogger Mayden' s Voyage said...

Hope you had a great weekend! :)

At 21/5/06 6:34 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Wow, Thank you CYRUS!! I will check it out right away.

Crumble or crunch, it's all yummy, Jezzy. Thanks for stopping by.

Sorry the news isn't better, Coll and Mayden...LOL, see the next post.


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