Where have all the flowers gone?
Under the crab grass, I guess. I got the lawn mowed. As you may have gathered it is a very nice, large yard. I again underestimated the time difference of a 38" cut compared to a 42" cut and was mowing by the headlights before I was done. Once I remembered to take the sunglasses off the work was a little easier. It was still almost dark when I dusted off and filled the nice neighbor's mower with gas then drove it home to it's shed.
I solved another problem last night. The *%(#*&$* picnic table is really too heavy for me to move alone. I managed it last week but I was beat when I got there last night. I hollered for the neighbor kid again, the same one that bought the little mower, and asked with sign language if he wanted it. His Dad, with the big truck, was just pulling out and they pulled right in and we loaded it up. Perfect fit! Problem solved.
I am starting to wonder how many other problems I can solve by just getting rid of stuff. The more I contemplated it the more situations I thought of that would be cured. Take books, for instance; I read. I read as much as possible and a wide range of material. I love reference books. I have them for insects, trees, herbs, history, card games, birds, dogs, cats, fish and more. Why?
I am curious and I want to know now.
What did they invent libraries for anyway if not to clear the books out of my house and give me the space I want for the TV? Except for treasured gifts and heirlooms like the bird books and such I can really cut down there and go to the library once a week. Like many readers I have favorites I read over very often. Those are available at the library, too. So why do I keep all these books? Good Question! With the internet the reference books are basically duplication. Even some of the training books are available there. BeGone Books!
Then there is the plastic monster under the counter in the kitchen. I had a beautiful system for storing plastic containers but we didn't keep it up when we got in a rush. Now I have 3 sections of cupboard filled with assorted lids I can't find to go with the many shaped and sized containers. With just me here now how many do I really need? One for cakes, one for deviled eggs and one for a big salad, that takes care of parties. Then three for single portions and for the rest I can get baggies. They work fine for rassberries and strawberries and such. BeGone Monster!
Bedding. Well, ok, I have to have at least two sets per bed. I only have two beds right now and am considering knocking that down by one and going back to a fold out couch. But how much bedding do I have? 4 sets for the one and 3-5 for the other. Poof! Going out the door. Woman's shelter's can always use good bedding.
Closet space is created by having fewer clothes. We all have to have one little black dress and matching heels and maybe one or two party dresses. But how many jeans can one butt wear in a week? With a little color coordinating I can knock the clothes count down even more. One dressy slacks outfit, two pair of slacks for work, three pair of black jeans and one of blue and I am good to go. I will have to get rid of shirts to get down to 7 in assorted colors. More storage room!
Movies....Now I didn't do it! The mate was the "have to have biggest and best version on day of release" man. I have thinned them down considerably already but I am a rent a movie kid. I go in cycles. Humor, cowboy, musical, and humor rotate by mood. I can rent 10 movies for the price of a new, hot dvd. And no dusting! I do like to have some around for the kids to watch but even then if I know they are coming I can rent one. That gets me back the book shelf the Dad built for the few books I have a need to keep...I'll have to think on it. I'll bet I toss a ton of 'em.
Dustables. Ya gotta have em or the dust gets all over the floors. I have many treasured gifts made or purchased for me by loving family and friends. I don't know if you can pass them on or not but I am going to be getting rid of all the junk I bought me. Shiny things, jewelry I don't wear, jugs I don't use and I think even the canner...why can for one?
This could get serious. I see a garage full of yard sale stuff in my future. Lots of it. I think I even approve of the idea. I am not going as minimal as my one uncle who owns one set of eating utensils but you see where I am going with this.
I don't ever have to struggle to move that blasted picnic table again and a growing family has it now. I have temp tables I can use to replace it and yard chairs and camping chairs and such that I can move by myself. I can even buy a plastic table if I feel the need for one in the yard. I am going to get at least one glider seat, maybe two, for out by the fire pit.
This idea was the basis for getting rid of both mowers. You buy one with a warrenty and they fix it if you break it. No stress. Same with the furnace. While they cost me money they go with the house if I sell it and so add value to it. Net loss on investment=0. Net stress reduction=100% per non-working item. The stress keeps going down as I get stuff out of here.It's a whole different game, this living alone, and I am just getting into it finally. The first try was a bust. This time I am going to get it right.
I am "thinking outside the house"! The goal? Get this place down to where one person can keep it up alone. Who says I'm Dumb!?
As in, "Agarn, I don't care what they say, you are NOT dumb."
"Thanks Sarge!" Pause
"Wait a minute! Who says I'm dumb!?"
Yes, I loved this show as a kid.
Gee ... maybe you have a career ahead of you as a 'de-clutterer'!! I sure need someone like that! We are terrible packrats and after 38 years we have so much 'stuff & junk' it makes my head spin. I could get rid of most of it but hubby won't let me ... he's afraid we might 'need' or 'want' something down the line and heaven forbid we have to pay for something we once had and got rid of!! Even if it IS useless!
Good work!!
I watched the neighbor's kids haul boxes out as fast as the auctioneer could clear the tables and in 5 hours they never got to the last room of boxes...I swore I would not do that to my kids.
and I hope I don't...I'm working on it.
We had to do that when my mother-in-law died not so long ago. What a HUGE MESS!!! But then she didn't care WHAT her kids had to do when the time came. She wanted all the stuff and wouldn't give it away or sell it or throw it out! YIKES!
If I get the chance to do what you are doing ... if I survive and my husband goes first ... you better believe I'll do EXACTLY what you are doing! I've even decided what will go and where it will go!
Thinking ahead is good. I just barely can plan tomorrow right now. And it hurts more than I can say to go through my friends things and pass them on because it makes me want him back to clutter up the house with me....
It's just stuff, it all burns up anyway, I have always tried to remember that since the fire.
Mama, maybe your hubbie and mine should be roomies...they could keep all their junk forever. I am fast reaching my capacity to deal with mines junk and am getting close to renting a dumpster!! And no, Val, my motorcycle won't be one of the things in the dumpster...but if all the rest goes...maybe he will be able to find it to fix????
LOL Rebel!
Mine was not near as bad as yours is and I hope he does find the bike soon. I'd like to see you riding before you are 50!
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