
Don't worry, Be Happy!

Right. and I HATE that song, just FYI...LOL!

Yay, it was only Friday and I was not at work. Part of the reason the cousins and I were up so late was because we sorted guns and ammo for better than an hour I think. But Cousin Rusty got me all squared away on what I could and could not shoot in which firearm so I didn't blow myself up if I went out target shooting. And I found yet another rifle in the closet, a .22 with a scope. I hurt when I realized what it was.

We bought it just after the fire for plinking possoms and such. I had used it to make an incredible shot at an abhored English Sparrow and discovered it's not in me to pick which bird lives and which does not. My "if I won't eat it, I don't shoot it" rule was birthed that day. I guess I will probably sell it as I am not squirrel or rabbit hunting anymore and don't think I will be target shooting with it but it's a shame as it was the first gun we replaced together after all his burned up in the fire. We had a lot of fun with it back then because we lived where we could just set up targets and shoot anytime.

A lot of the things I am getting rid of are like that. We shared them. We normally took turns on many things; Nintendo's, guns, cars, jackets, helmets, and even motorcycles. I often rode his "hand me down" bikes when he upgraded. It's hard to let some things go because they have fun memories attached. I am letting them go because, A) I still have the memories and B) I have to lighten my load here.

I used to carry everything I owned when I traveled. While I am not planning on paring it that close to the bone again, I would still like to be able to list it all on one sheet of paper and get it in one small u-haul and have most of it small enough when broken down that one old lady can carry it. Major yard sale coming soon.

We all slept in on Friday and I made two pots of coffee for us. Cousin Rebel was up first, no surprise, she is the one who was usually up and cheerful with the mate when they visited. Cousin Rusty and I are the Indian time layabouts who start our days muzzy and slow. We finished digging out the things I wanted to send with them and went to town for breakfast.

They headed north and I headed to the new TSC for an airfilter for the mower. I ended up with a new dog feeder/waterer, animal food and dog chewies. I love grand openings! I went back to the house with every intention of mowing the lawn but the stupid thing still would not work. This totally annoyed me.

I went inside and called the last guy I thought could fix it and set up a Sunday visit with him then put it out of my mind. One thing being totally broke in my first marriage taught me was that I couldn't fix problems after five pm so I quit worrying about them at five and left it till nine the next day. It may have saved my sanity. So once I have done what I can about something I don't sweat it.

Friday night I showered and headed for the newest location where the band was playing. I took the laptop to share my song with a friend and something I wanted the Brother Boy to have if he wanted it. Turns out he didn't think he would use it so I will pass it on to the next person.

The lead singer's family was there in spades and ready to party. Even his little old Mom who must have been in her 70's got up and danced. The friend was not interested in hangin out either, so it was a strange night. I still had fun with the family and the music and it beat sitting home smacking my head on the walls.

The BB really looked rough and told me he had a headache for three days when I asked. Without being able to approach him too closely I did the only other thing I could think of and prayed about his head ache and his health.

I really like this guy, always have, but he was never easy to know. He's very private and very non-verbal. That's ok with me, I'm used to him. Throw in depressed and unhealthy though and I have been worried. Then add foot in mouth Val with depression of her own that can blind her to others needs right now who talks all the time and you have a weird friendship that involves a lot of backing away to give him room and then stepping back in to try to comfort and distract while some nights he is friendly and some he is running away for privacy. It's got me whipped, I don't know what to do for either of us.

That night I had a very specific dream about him. It is pretty normal for me to have full color, detailed dreams. It's not normal to remember them well. I won't put it here, but it gave me an insight into his hurt and I have tried to use it to do better.

I got home to find the gypsy RV still there. I knew it would be even though Friday was their last day of the three weeks I agreed to let them stay. Leave early? HA!

So Saturday's view out the back window remained the same as I made my morning coffee. I had about one cup down me when the gypsy mom stopped in to return a dish I had sent chicken over in and acted all surprised when I asked how plans were going for being out by Sunday. These people take the whole cake for screwing with you. She says DD never told her they had to be out by Sunday. I state that Friday was the end of the three weeks they had asked for and that she was there when I discussed it with her mate. "Uh....yeah," I get for a reply.

She says she has to call the husband and let him know about this. I say we already talked about it on Wednesday. Apparently they think I am just going to let them continue to suck up resources without inputting anything of value. I don't think so. Nope, and No! She returns to say they will be out by Sunday night. Two days longer than I planned on but the night before the camp area they want to be in opens for business.

I am supposed to feel cruel when she tells me that because I won't give them another 24 hours. Nope. You are so out of here!

I did chores around the house and played the guitar then got around to head back north to hear the band. Tonight the BB is better, no headache, no puffy, pale face and greets me nicely. I was supposed to meet the lead guy to show him some of the sites I do. He wants one for his guitar repair and lessons business. He is not there yet and I ordered a sandwich when I realized I had not eaten yet.

The family is back and the nice waitress from the night before has the evening off. She and her friend sat with me at the family table. One sister is back from Marti Gras and is handing out beads for all and another brought in cake for a bday or something. It was another night of hight party for the family.

With the dream in the back of my head and knowing the BB feels better I am watching kind of close to see what happens next. The BB fluffs some notes, misses some breaks and totally ended a song wrong during the evening so I can see he is off his track. He is too good to do that kind of stuff. Later in the evening he sings a song I really like but don't do, "Angel Flying to Close to the Ground". I totally get it and don't know how he does it without falling apart. Then I know my dream was right on. I had not been able to tell him about it because it's not for public comsumption. I wish I had though.

I trundled on home through the deer and the coons and the possums and went right to bed.

Comments: 4 Comments:
At 2/5/06 6:42 PM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I am supposed to feel cruel when she tells me that because I won't give them another 24 hours. Nope. You are so out of here!
VERY smart. You need to take care of you, first, and you're making such healthy decisions! Good job!

At 2/5/06 7:30 PM, Blogger Mayden' s Voyage said...

When my sister and I were in our teens and that song would come on...we would sing, "Don't Worry, Life's Crappy!" I won't bother telling you the rest of the disgusting lyrics we'd make up...but it was funny at the time!
Been away, been busy...been trying to be a better writer, but you'd never know it by the way I reply to you! Hope the flowers are blooming all over where you are, my yard looks prettier every day:)
Thinking of you!
-Cora :)

At 3/5/06 12:17 AM, Blogger Mama Mouse said...

Hope the gypsies meant it when they said they'd be out by Sunday! Perhaps a shotgun with a good load of buckshot might help them 'move more quickly'! LOL

Dreams can be VERY helpful ... and often tell you things if only you pay attention to them. I had one once that healed a very deep hurt 35+ years old.

At 3/5/06 10:13 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hi Saur, I know you are busy, we all are with summer here. Thanks for the support!

Hey Cora! My sisters and I made up our own lyrics, too! They were funny. We learned it from Dad.

My daffodiles are gone, the narcissus are ending and the lilacs just coming on. The asparagus got frost bitten, darn, but the rhubarb looks yummy! Tonight the roto tiller comes out to play and I get the gardens turned.

Hello M.Mouse, I didn't need the gun but I wanted to by the time I got them out of there. Just one round over their heads to speed them on their way.

I hate jail though.

I may tell the dream later but it's weird, like, I had the dream but it belonged to my friend. I may never know what he thinks. Like I said, he doesn't talk much.

Thanks to all of you for taking the time to stop by. Hugs!


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