
Thank God and Greyhound, you're gone!

And - Boy oh Boy - do I mean it! We got as far as Sunday and I want to get the rest of this caught up.

This was going to be the big day. I would solve the mower problem with the pro I had coming over and I would be rid of the gypsies! The coffee was nice and hot, too, because I remembered to make it ahead myself this time.

It didn't start out as well as I would have liked. The dogs were going off every five minutes because the gypsies were loading cars and driving across the yard with them. I finally let them in but they STILL barked and so I decided it was after ten am, they were going out.

I could tell the gypsies wanted me to be unhappy because they were doing everything they could to set the dogs off; wander over by the pen and back for no apparent reason; toss stuff toward the pen and go pick it up again, just picky little crap. It worked, I was annoyed.

Finally all but the Teen were gone, the dogs stopped barking and I got to watch my birds feed in peace. Then I got dressed and pulled the mower out for the pro when he would arrive. I went back in and did some sorting of files to fill the time till he would get there. And the boys were coming for another garage load, too.

Files. Paper things. Two thick ones of the mate's things. A high school theme from English class that got him kicked out of same. Cards and letters from kids, postcards from friends, his military records all to be stored or destroyed or given away to his kids. Then I was looking for my capo again and opened another cabinet to find a whole box of photos that had to be gone through. I did those, too. And the last flag rag he wore, his hunting hat, and other little personal momentoes were all boxed up with them. Things I can't let go of yet but that I can't toss, either.

Now I was depressed again. Then I spotted the neighbor to the south mowing his yard on the house he is fixing up. Hmmmm. Don't ask, ya don't get. I tossed the piles on the table and I walked over. I waited for him to notice me then explained my situation. This nice man I have only talked with two or three times gave me the key to the shed and let me use his "only used twice" new mower. I got almost half of it done and looked up to see the pro and a lady rider friend standing by the patio.

We were just past getting tea and water for them and starting on the mower when the boys got there and started taking stuff from the garage. No sign of the return of the gypsies, just as well, no parking available for them if they did come back right then.

The pro did what he could but didn't fix the mower right. The girl rider and myself visited and I promised to come get her for a ride sometime soon. But I was going to solve the problem with the mower - one way or the other.

All morning I had watched the neighbors push mowing their yard while I rode my borrowed machine. It happened that the young man was walking by as we decided we could do no more. (My pro was just a friend with some experience, not a real pro). I hollered at the kid and asked if he wanted to buy a mower, they are always working on stuff over there. He strolled up and asked how much. He knew we couldn't get it running and he knew it ran before so when I said ten bucks, that's what I paid for it, he went back to the house and got his money. Problem solved. Now I have NO mowers that don't work right for me!

The pro and the girl rider left shortly after, the boys were almost done loading the garage junk and it was about 3 pm. It started to drizzle. I mowed until I thought it was too wet to keep on and then parked the nice mower neatly in it's shed with a promise to get it out right after work tomorrow. I locked up and walked home.

I went right past the gypsy camper that was still there and back to sorting and deciding what to do with paper remainders. I made a sandwich and read for dinner. They still are not back and the RV is still there.

Now I am getting cranky enough to wonder if anything after midnight could be considered trespassing...So I go back to sorting stuff and come across the kareoke machine the mate got me. We used it for a PA at chaper events but it didn't have the player, just the board and speakers. I think they are out in the garage now. But there IS another microphone and a VCR kareoke tape...

I got to goofing around with it. I can't hook it into the amp and the TV is pretty big for me to try to get in back of to see if it has the hook ups I need. So I just throw the tape in and hook the mic to the amp. There are only two songs I even know on this tape and, yes, they are the LAST two. "Son of a Preacher Man" and (easy stomach!) "These's Boots Are made for Walking". I didn't do too badly on Boots, the other needs work..LOL!

Then I got the guitar out and plugged it in, rigged a mic stand with two wire coat hangers and the ceiling fan and worked a little blues. After awhile I noticed it was very dark out and that the dogs hadn't gone off yet. I put my toys away and go check on the gypsy camp.

Still there. I can't believe the RV was still there! It's Sunday night and ten of the clock. Now I am hot. I went out the back door and unplugged the power. I see the Teen going for the car. I guess she made a call. POOF! They were here ten minutes later.

They had to move the RV in the dark, after eleven pm, by the headlights of their car. From what I have observed they do EVERYTHING after dark; have strange people over, move out, bring the f*%*^&* boyfriend in I didn't want around, etc.. It was their choice on how to spend their time, not mine and I will not be guilted on this. If the mate had a grave he'd be rolling in it just because I let them stay at all and by now he would have made my life miserable because he hated his privacy infringed on. So I live and learn, again.

And I suppose the note they left on the door (even though they KNEW I was home) that says they were sorry it was so late (on Sunday) getting the RV out was because they were out borrowing money so they could pay in advance at the RV park was supposed to make me feel guilty that they had to borrow money to move. Nope. These people had three weeks of income with no outgo except their eating and gas - theoretically. I know some of the the money went for "other" consumables. I can't find any way to feel sorry for them. The note also said they would be back at 10 am for the refridgerator. Monday. When I am at work. Now I am pissed.

But things do work out and I should learn not to stress. Our power went out very early Monday, before my alarms could go off. The phone finally woke me at (guess) ten! I looked and there they were, pissing off the dogs by short cutting through the yard with a truck backed up to the fridge. By the time I got off the phone with Mom and called the shop they were gone.

I made a pot of coffee the old fashioned way, got dressed and drove into work. I had plenty to catch up with so I was too busy to think all day. On the way home I called the BB's machine and left him the dream I had and told him he is important to me.

I spent last night finishing the lawn before it rains again. It took awhile. The gypsies left boards lay where they had used them to level the dish and the fridge and where the dog had torn apart the wood pile by the fire pit. I picked it all up and was just glad they were gone.

I washed off the mower where the dust and drizzle had spotted it up and pulled the grass off the top of the deck. Then I moved the picnic table by myself and mowed that. I took the nice toy home and locked it up. The yard is far from right but the mowing is done. Now the weeds in the gardens look terrible.

Lucky for me it's raining tonight. I can let them go till tomorrow. Now we are all caught up. Yay.

Comments: 7 Comments:
At 3/5/06 12:22 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Wow! That was a lot to get through just to get them out and finish the lawn. Thank god for good neighbors with rideon mowers, too. LOL!
Enjoy your peace and quiet.
Lois Lane

At 3/5/06 12:46 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

And I will be trying to. I am still a little nervy.


At 3/5/06 7:16 PM, Blogger Janet said...

Would you hate me if I said I never mowed a lawn in my life?

At 3/5/06 10:56 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Why would I hate you? You poor kid! All that money you didn't make and all that satisfaction from seeing the shaggy mess turned neat and tidy. The fresh air and sunshine, the cool as you get under a shade tree....I LIKE mowing, when the mower works.

You were deprived!

At 4/5/06 1:19 AM, Blogger dan said...

I love that story of the mate's english paper that got him kicked out of that same class.

I had exactly the same thing happen to me in 11th grade! Now I know I wasn't the only one!

At 4/5/06 5:24 AM, Blogger Mama Mouse said...

I used to like to mow the lawn too ... I loved the smell and seeing the nice neat rows of shorn grass. But that was when I could still walk comfortably. Now I LOVE it when the mowing is done by the landlord!!!!! YeeHaw!!!

Glad the gypsies are FINALLY out of your hair!

At 4/5/06 7:26 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hey Dan,
Maybe I will put it up here. The teacher was still there when his eldest went to school and they didn't get on well at all!

Hi M. Mouse,
With a rider I don't mind doing it. The steel hip and heart stent make me leery of push mowing now.

I still have the chain saw and the weed wacker to run, too, so I try to keep push mowing out of the equation.

I am NOT ready to give up the country for an apartment. Nope. Maybe a smaller place in the country but not a move to the city coming anytime soon.


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