
Put another nickle in

in that nickleodeon....LOL

I'm cheaper than a nickle, I just sing and play for free. And I have been turning more and more to the music to keep my head on straight. After bible study last night the sis and I were checking out an amp she bought and I showed her the kareoke tape. We had fun with "Boots", it was our little brother's favorite song. He used to make us nuts with singing it. And my second sis had a pair of those classic white half boots that used to set him off everytime she wore them.

It rained yesterday but today is warm and sunny so I will get the roto out and turn some dirt tonight. That should keep me busy for a while. I am only sorry it was so foggy and damp this morning that I couldn't take the bike.

While I was at work the mate's Eldest was having the wiring in her dash catch fire and burn up her car that they just put a water pump on the night before...poor kid! She called me, still standing there watching the fire department help her old man load it on a trailer.

She was still shook up but wanted to know if she could borrow a truck. Of course. I love that. The mate never told any of the kids no if we had the means to help. I am just glad I had decided to keep them both legal for six months and see which way the wind blew then. If I get the garages cleaned up right I might even be able to get them in out of the weather.

So with the mom and sis on the way, the girl coming for the truck and working late I came flying into the house, started a load of wash and cranked up the oven for heat. It was just a little chilly in the house. I decided to bake some potatoes to justifiy having the oven on and before the five pounds I bought got spoiled and then I thought, hmmmm. I really like potatoe skins, and I like twice bakes and I like american fries and I like refried mashes.... I baked and boiled up the whole bags. Tonight I will carve them up into onesies and store them for the week. all I have to do is add meat and a veggie or cheese and eggs or what ever and I have easy dinners. I heart me!

We studied late and woke Wednesday to the news that a favorite Aunt had died in the night. She had been in the hospital and was doing ok, as far as comfort goes, but they were discharging her the next day to go home and wait for her end. She tricked them and left ahead of schedule.

I spent that evening with the cousins. I have always liked them even though they are not socially acceptable, at least the boys in the family aren't. The girls were older than me and I didn't know them as well. I spoke with my Uncle and left my number for him to call along with some no cook, eat now type foods that I favored in the busy day's of no real appetite but must eat after the mate died.

The boys were pretty torn up. I drove around with the Elder Boy and visited friends of his and family for a few hours before we went to the Younger's house where we jammed a little on his guitars and then got a bit to eat before I took Elder Cousin home.

My Aunt and Uncle have been through a lot of living and all of it together. Where we had 20 years they have more than 50. I can't find the words to say how I hurt for my Uncle. All I can do I did. My numbers are on the fridge for calling anytime and maybe we will do dinner in a few weeks when the first rush is over.

All either of us can do is try to enjoy the days as best we can until we are back with the ones we love. IMHO, the system sucks. True love ought to get you a by, like going in the same train wreck or plane crash so there isn't one left behind.

Today I rode the bike to work and it was beautiful out. Perfect. I saw pheasents, buzzards, rabbits and none close enough to hurt me. But on the ride home two great big white cranes went over the road pretty low and in front of me. When I was done admiring them I had to pull the bike off the mailbox it was aimed at and muscle it back into the road.

I cussed myself out for almost wreaking a perfectly good bike over a couple of dumb ol' birds. But they were beautiful in the light of the late afternoon and I would probably look again...I am not sure what kind they were but I thought they were swans until I saw their long legs trailing them. Then I bummed because I didn't have the mate to tell it to when I got home.

But there is a busy weekend coming up so I have to get things together for it. I better get going.

Comments: 5 Comments:
At 5/5/06 7:53 AM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Sorry to hear about your aunt! What a great idea to cook things up and use them throughout the week. I keep meaning to do that. It's a great idea! I think I'll do it next week when I go grocery shopping again. Next time I'll buy ingredients for casseroles, etc., and then put them in tupperware and freeze them.

Your bike ride to work sounds glorious!!!

At 5/5/06 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really think that there have been times in my life when the only thing that has kept me sane and on the right track is music.

At 7/5/06 12:11 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

xthanks saur,

Aunt had a good turn, the family is losing a true matriarche though and it will be hard for them all.

I can't seem to cook for just two and for just myself there is always too much.

This way I can grab what I need and it may not rot.

Helen, thanks for stopping in.

At 7/5/06 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your aunt. How sad for your uncle but I know you'll be there for him if he needs you. I'll keep the family in my prayers.

At 8/5/06 9:28 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hi Ananke,

I will try to be there for them. They are a bit of a drive. I figure I can hit them on Friday nights with a cassarole maybe or meet them for dinner out once a month anyway.

I just have to wait and see what happens. Right now the girls will have it under control.


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