
Rainy days and Mondays

It started raining last night and it looks like it's going to continue for the weekend and more. Six days, I heard somewhere, of rain and gloomy skies.
I was just thinking, on the way home last night, that this was our favorite time for riding. The lilac and honeysuckle are out and the fragrance drifts through the warm night air as you scoot down the roads. It makes the whole area seem magical it's so sweet and heavy a scent.
Now it's chilly, damp, dark, dreary and dank here. No ride for me Humbug!

I got wild and reset the water heater last night to do some chores and get a shower. Then I played some tunes, read, was online reading and called no one even though I wanted to kind of. It was a quiet night and the dogs liked being in out of the weather. I almost miss the TV noise sometimes.

I am going to have to modify the new feeder for them, they won't stick their heads in to hold the door open while they nibble. I don't think they like the tiny water bowl, either but it refills as they drink ensuring them clean water. I can leave them out a day or two if I can make sure they have food and water but they just aren't cooperating. I think I will take a look at it on Saturday.

The boss is going to Germany and will be gone about ten days. Big party coming soon here! It's not that much more work for me anyway and the stress level is lower than when he is out on the floor trying to tell people how to do what they have already been doing well for weeks..lol. We are all looking forward to it.

I wrote my quit letter this morning. He really ticks me off some times. I have been here eight years in June and he didn't want to give me the P.O. box combo but have me ask for the mail over the counter. For crying out loud, does he think I would steal his mail or what? The mail lady hates to bother to hand over and it's against the rules - I know because she reminds me of that everytime I get the Mom's mail for her.

I decided he that if he didn't even trust me with that then I need a new job, one with insurance. I may have to do that anyway but I was trying not to mess with my routine anymore than I have to right away. There are too many changes in my life right now with out adding new job stress to it.

So I stomp off to the desk mad and tell him I am too angry to discuss it right now. Later he changes his mind and gives me the code with my check. I said fine, then I don't need to give you this, and tore up my two weeks notice. He got all hot then. He says he is just trying to make sure I don't have to do much more than my usual job to make it easy on me. I say you don't trust me I'll go be a truck driver. I don't need the stress. We got past it - again - and are ok now but it made a crappy morning here. I don't play the I quit card unless I am serious about something, he knows that. I don't kid about cutting off my only income.

Even at my age I can get other work and I will have to if I want insurance again. We have none here. It was ok when the mate had me covered but if I am staying on the planet I have to have it in case I blow another artery or break a leg hang gliding this summer. But I can wait a little longer to implement the change. I asked for a raise on the next check yesterday. If he doesn't then I am walking.

Petty, Val, petty, I hear....LOL NOT. The guy had no products and no customers after he fired his last sales guy three days before Christmas with no warning. Of COURSE the guy got another job and took the customers with him. Idjit boss!

I offered to market a product that we built a die for and the customer stiffed us on. That was the year he was being told to file for Chapter 11. I brought in a customer a day for over six months and one every week for the last three years on average. More, really but his slack attitude toward packaging and quality lost a bunch before he wised up. Now my big problem is not having any stock on the shelves and we have 55 products, many that I have helped design and all of which I market for him. I would be a lot nicer to me if I was him.

Now that is over I have had to think about it today. I was actually looking forward to having to use the last of my vacation days and to going to driver's school for a minute there. Getting a reliable animal sitter was my biggest problem. I think I could have done it.

It has been tempting to throw the house on the market for a just better than break even price, sell what I don't need to live and move somewhere warmer in a house just big enough for me. Tennessee is very high on my list of move to's. Colorado is second and Kentucky third. Hot Springs area of Arkansas interests me, too. If I did it right I could check them all out and then decide. The mom votes no but the kids are all grown now and I am still portable at this point. With my smile guy, Moo Cow, moving to NZ I just got to thinking that it isn't all bad fitting into a little RV with a covered trailer for the bike and dogs...

It's mostly just wistful thinking on my part. I am nowhere close to being that versatile right now. It did give me something to think about. That's always good right now - keep the mind to busy to miss the mate today is the goal most days.

I may still follow the Cousins, Rusty and Reb down to KY for the next holiday. It means missing a day to visit with my girl but we are better friends on the phone than in person. My smoking doesn't annoy her and the dogs don't slobber on her that way. I won't know till I find out when they are leaving. Yo, Reb? Friday night or Saturday morning?

If I go I want to take the bike. It will get me out of Dodge and into a place no one knows me and how weird I am right now. Not to mention I can wander the miles of woods there and have a fine time just recreating. Thinking cap is on it.

I will be hitting the jam session tonight and if it goes well I will hit Friday's too. I have picked "Together Again" for one song and then, if they ask for a second one I want to try "Old Flames" or "Oh, Lonesome Me". The third one is a little more upbeat and I need something faster in my list. I do too many slow songs.

I don't know what I am doing with myself on the weekend yet. With all this rain I may have to get by with visiting friends. The one band isn't playing and while I know where another one is I haven't decided if it's worth the drive yet. I guess we get to wait and be surprised.

It's summer now, almost, and many of us are doing yard work, graduations, weddings and family events plus our extra activities. I think it is why the comments slow down here. I know I am having to break up my reading into several times a week instead of every day to keep up with all of you. So I hope to see you Monday. I sure hope I get too busy to blog this weekend! Enjoy yourselves.

Comments: 4 Comments:
At 11/5/06 6:48 PM, Blogger dan said...

Maybe it's just me... but if you can ask for the mail over the counter, what is your boss possibly protecting by not giving you the combo?

I'm... speechless.

At 11/5/06 10:32 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

As In JUST my POINT! What the F!!! was his stupid problem! I know I over reacted but for crying out loud, I have the checks, the deposits and the payroll to do, what is the deal here!

LOL, see? Still over reacting!
It really teed me off.

At 12/5/06 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I asked Rusty and he didn't answer...guess it would work better if I waited til he was awake? Anyways, which is better for you? We're pretty flexible here...


At 12/5/06 10:08 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Reb I really want out of Dodge and the grands are set up to sit the dogs and cats. I am going to meet the Eldest and the #1Son after work on Thursday and take them out to dinner I think and then breakfast on Friday.

I am taking Friday, Tuesday and Wed off. If we left Friday evening late, Sleep Saturday, visit sunday, you have to leave monday HA! and I can stay until Tuesday and get home Wed with time to do laundry and clean etc. Or I can go with you guys on Monday and dick off Tuesday and work Wed.

I am open and up for it!


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