
Riding the storm out

It's a big snow here today. I had the day off from work. The memorial service for my friend begins at five tonight. I have to be a little early to set up my slide show for them. Then I will leave and let them finish getting ready.

If that sounded easy, I don't think it will be. The snow is at five inches already, the schools are closed and the roads are the pits.

I'm going anyway. I think the plows will be out by then on the main roads. I will only have to make eight miles to get to them. I think I can. I think I can. I have to go for my heart to feel right. So pray our weather clears and some plow guy gets a wild hair to plow out my Tiny Town today, not in the two days they usually take to get here.

Tomorrow I won't be going to jam session, I will be home and cooking, I hope. I want a nice dish to pass on Sunday when we are joining them again. That will be the real memorial to my big friend. The one the healing begins at. Today is for releasing our grief. Getting it out where it can be comforted by the love between us is important.

With the mate I kept it inside - if you thought the outside was crazy you should have seen my mind. I didn't understand that to release it begins the healing. I thought that keeping it in myself was being strong. I was wrong. It was poisoning me.

Once I could express how I felt I started to heal. I want to be there for my friends today. Those quiet hugs with no words still let you know there are friends who care and love you. It's important in the loss of your best friend to know there are others to help you now that one is gone from your life.

I still need a hug, myself, too. But I can let that slide today. What I can't let slide is that they know I care enough to come today. I will do what I can to support them as they go through the changes that are coming to them.

But just getting there is going to be exciting. I like drift bustin'. I guess I better find some more weight to toss in the back of the truck.

Comments: 6 Comments:
At 1/2/08 11:50 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Good luck with the storm and everything else. It's just beginning to hit us in Ottawa.

At 2/2/08 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and Big's family...wish I could be there!


At 2/2/08 9:25 AM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

Two storms at once. :( Sorry about your friend. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Thanks for the advice the other day. I'm trying to avoid self publishing. I just don't think people take those books seriously enough. I'll keep fighting.

At 2/2/08 10:49 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Thanks team!

I needed your love today. I am hangin' in there.

At 2/2/08 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We dodged that storm this week, looks like it went farther north and hit you instead. Yuck. Sorry to hear about your friend. I'm sending good thoughts and hugs your way. Hang in there. {{{HUGS}}}}

At 4/2/08 9:30 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I'm glad it missed you Ananke, we are used to it here.

Am home again today. Got five inches between midnight and dawn.

Snowed in is ok, I have what I need and the power is still on.


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