
Let me be there in your morning

I have been trying to take it easy the last 11 days. I slipped a zinger in there with a clean the bathroom day and then an open house Saturday. Scooter Girl and I celebrated our birthdays together and had family and friends over all day long. It seemed like a good idea at the time. If I didn't have friends that care I could not have pulled it off.

I had a pipe cleaning party last week one day to fix the plugged system again. Three men and my Sis spent several hours getting that in shape for company again. I have not been able to thank them beyond the words yet. It is a nasty job but it's done until spring, I hope. May they be blessed for their kindness.

Jeanette came over early Saturday to help. We planned it the night before when I took my new friend, the electrician, over to diagnose a problem for her. Silly her; Agreeing to chores, not just showing up for the cake and ice cream. I started her off at her strong point, baking cakes. I went on putting Christmas away, finding more chairs, dumping trash and getting the dirt sucker out.

Then the Sis thought I said eleven! Here she was, bearing bird seed as a gift. Now it might not mean anything to you that I had just told Jeanette I had the money but had no way to carry a big bag home. I said I was trying to think who I could ask to haul it for me not ten minutes before Sis arrived. He hears you before you ask sometimes, it seems to me. Think what you will.

So I fussed around and started everything while they leaned into it and finished it. Mopping, vaccuuming, baking, decorating cakes; I thought it up and they made it happen. I finally got in the shower just as my uncle showed up.

The care continued as KMA, knowing I offered just snacks and cake for the day, showed up bearing three hot containers of hugh amounts of food. She must have worked for at least a full day on the prep and then hauled it all over for us.

We ate, drank and made merry until beyond dark and I think everyone had a good time. Not all that were invited made it but all that made it were glad to be there and I was glad to have the time with them.

Jeanette came back after her Sunday dinner with her family and helped clean up, too, bless her heart. Sis and KMA did so much there wasn't but a few things to wash and put away to make it a house again but J did great working with me on it.

She spent the night and we had a nice time over coffee in the morning. Both of us had been missing our talks and it was nice to get caught up with each other.

Even with all the help I found myself laggin' on Sunday. I was glad to read, study, pray and rest. I had leftovers to enjoy. The elf showed up and did the driveway again, as it snowed in the night. This time I had coffee to offer and my gratitude.

How I can say how much the friends and family lifted my spirit? Last weekend we were all playing slumber party in my hospital room and this weekend they turned out again to party with me and mine.

Their love amazes me. Thanks to all that came for fun and time together. But thanks especially to my friends that care - not with their lips but with their resources and their time and their hands. You can not be replaced. You are my friends. I thank Him that I have had you in my life.

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 16/1/08 11:32 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

What a wonderful time! I am so pleased for you!

At 17/1/08 10:29 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

It was great! Had an accoustic bass player and another guitar player show so we got to make music, too! Way fun!

Thanks for smiling with me!


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