Do you believe in magic?
I had a thought this morning and I wanted to explore it with you. If we few who gather here as friends are all that read it and try it then it should stay very small by the logical math we have been taught.
I have an idea it might get bigger than just one small group of people. It's not really even original I suppose. I have read other versions somewhere.
I have been thinking on the power of words. I have been trying to leave behind the ones we define as curse words. There is a power I have been seeing in the words I carried in my heart. I have been lead to go back over life again and had my views on many things changed.
I thought of little magic fairies that tap you with their wand and little gremlins that smile but strike with poision darts. What if the magic is in our words and has been all along?
I fell and broke a tooth off when I was only seven. I couldn't bear the caps, they cut my gums; I chewed them off in my sleep. I went to school with the broken tooth and the kids teased me so that I hid my mouth with my hand when I laughed and talked with my lips covering my teeth.
The gremlins their taunts were ate in me. I kept what I saw as the truth of them in my heart. I lived my life with those habits I learned from their words.
Finally, dental skills changed and a dentist fixed my teeth for me with no cap. My whole way of smiling, singing and speaking changed and I laughed out loud again with no hand over my mouth. My mother said, "What a beautiful smile you have!" when she saw me.
The gremlins were gone for awhile and I lived with those same words from her and others lifting me up. My heart was at peace. Just a few taps from the magic fairy wand, so to speak.
I am over 50 now but still I carried an over heard comment from sixth grade, "Ask Val to do it for you, she does it the best." What I did best, according to my friend, was fold, score and tear a sheet of paper in half. Even now, every time I find myself running a folded paper through my nails to get a good line to follow I hear those words in my heart and smile. It's was such a little fairy tap but I carry it with me still.
Sunday after church I went to see my neice. She lives up north but was at her Mom's, my Sis's, just between there and home. I saw her new baby boy and my nephew in law and told them he was cute. Then I hugged them both and left again, I had things to think about and left.
My sister came to bible study on Tuesday night and said, "The daughter said you looked beautiful on Sunday". I smiled and asked her to tell the girl thank you for me. It really touched me that she passed it on.
I had wanted to look clean and neat and appropriate for a church where I have only been a few times. I was wearing a skirt and jacket, NOT my normal mode of dress for on the bike. I had my hair pulled back in pins quite tightly. I had felt like a librarian, and a big one at that. Some one had actually said it was a nice outfit that day, no one said I was pretty though, I hadn't heard that since the mate died.
The good fairy magical thought made my night and I was right away put it as a happy thought and keep it in my heart. I might be pretty for some one special again, if my own neice thought I was pretty enough to say so. What a nice thing to do for me!
If you remember your words are the gremlin that can eat away at someone's heart with a thoughtless hurt and that you have the choice to be the magic little fairy instead, how would you talk then?
What words I say might be repeated, and what words I share directly may last fifty years for another. I see those things are truth.
So I am taking up my magic wand now and carrying it with me. I want to give the magic of kind and encouraging words to each one that I meet.
I am trying to find those gremlins now that litter my speech and toss them out - they are everywhere though and hard to catch, the little monsters are fast, too. They get right by my brain yet. And they don't come back once they are out. They stay where they land and feed.
I can't go over everyone here that reads and give them all I carry in my heart today. I would be writing for a mile. I just want to give a general tap to all that read here for now.
How could I ever have made it through this far, with all the changes in my life that have been so tearing at my heart if you had not come here to read and took the time to share that you were listening to me and you cared that I was here.
Thank you all, the silent and the ones that leave their encouraging words. I know that I could not have made it even this far without the love you have given me.
You let me put what I can share here and you treat it so carefully. Even when we disagree you still did it as friends.
There is nothing between two people that only know each other by what they write except their words. So if words have no power, why do I care so about each of you?
So I say my truth is that the power in words is that they show your heart. You have been my little magic fairy friends and I love you all.
Thank you for reading and caring and being there for me. I will still not be here so often while I am drawn out by the weather, but I catch up when I can and love you all for still being there.
If your words carry the magic power I think they do, as do mine. I challenge you all to tap someone with a word to cheer their heart. Watch to see what happens. Then, if you think of it, come tell us about it here.
That's an excellent reminder about the power of words. Too often, I just think about avoiding the gremlins, but I'll have to consider the fairies too. Ya dun good.
Thanks Grampa!
PS. I was at a gas station last night and they had moss roses in two stands. I love the little, delicate leaves and flowers but I have none of my own this year.
When I went in I asked who took care of the flowers and passed on a thank you for their colors.
Then I told the girl that they were always so friendly there with me I always went there when I could, which was a truth.
You should have seen the smile I got and she said thank you, too.
So who was the winner? She who got the compliment? Or me, who got the smile and true thanks?
Who did I tap with that wand? I kinda wonder now...Any one got an idea to share?
I also believe in the power of words. Thank you for sharing yours with me, Val. *hugs*
Hey Jean! Nice you dropped by!
I know you must you use yours so carefully!
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