
I walked out this morning and I wrote down this song

I have written a song in the last two weeks. Sunday I did a website for a friend. It's been fun to feel creative again. I even dug out my crocheting to see if I can remember how to do that.

I have to back pedal a little here. I went on and right back off the flush. I was out of sea salt and then I decided the body still wasn't back to form after all. I had some interest in food but now much and I wasn't sure everything was processing properly.I decided to blow it off for the whole weekend and see what happened.

I didn't eat much, wasn't hungry much but had that boiled dinner I had been craving and some apple bread, munched the rhubarb crunch, noting I needed to cut mine soon, and saw that NOW I seemed to functioning normally and I was happier with less food.The bad news is I was smoking like a chimney. I love me anyway but geeze the house stinks and I stink and I want to put this that was once a needed thing in my life behind me. I want to breathe and know what I am like on oxygen intake. Today they are actually making me nauseous.

I have to find a way to get a handle on it. I really do want to quit for whatever reason.I didn't dare drive the car very far. It had bypass surgury for the cracked heater core but I don't know if it will deal with many miles well so I am limited to getting to work and back until it can be repaired. The bike makes me nervous because it only starts on two cylinders until it gets heated up and then it doesn't want to idle well. This all means I have been feeling grounded again.

The #1son called and I am saving up my burn pile for Monday. Memorial Day we are going to roast the dogs and party some. I will be inviting all who want to pack a dish to pass and join us.I spoke with Eldest Daughter and Best Girl. They and theirs are all doing well. Scooter Girl is moved but still cleaning out the old home. They love the new place and as soon as I am mobil again I will get up to visit.

Today, on the way home, I will get some more sea salt and commence the three day flush and then get the grapes I need for the grape cure. I am determined to try it for at least a week and see how I feel. If it turns out to be torture I can drop it but I would love to see it work. There are so many people dealing with serious health issues that I would love to be able to say there was a way that they could help themselves and have it be a truth for me to share with them.

Jeanette and her family had a party at the house. The roof is on, the doors are in, the windows are coming along and the outside walls have been redone with new board. They are at electrical and plumbing then interior finishing. She is just thrilled and I love to see her so happy. It's all being done on the love of family and friends. It's a thing of love to see it all coming together so well for them.

I can't seem to free myself up for deep thoughts here today so you get mind chatter. Sorry. Will try again later.

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 22/5/07 8:30 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I hope you are able to get the transportation issues resolved soon. One hates to feel tied down.

At 22/5/07 2:24 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

One learns to stand in place an be glad to be standing.

I am where I am supposed to be doing what I am supposed to do and where I am needed I am lead.

Sometimes I need to stand still and listen.

Sometimes I need help doing that...LOL!


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