
Let's do it all over again

I am back on the body flush today. I had a time out and now I am ready again. I liked the way I felt and I am going to make some diet changes based on my observations. Nothing really severe and I don't agree with the way many feel about dairy products but probably because I am farm raised. I love my dairy.

By Tuesday I should be ready to try the Grape Cure. At least on that one I get to chew sometimes.

For those of you that may be interested and in case I didn't mention, I lost about 14 pounds on the flush. Hopefully it's all that backed up stuff and not just water weight from flushing the kidneys.

I really enjoyed working with the kids on the guitars but didn't feel like much of a teacher. I am hoping to get a chance to fine tune with them this week. I told them I would come to help as long as I can. I tend to get called off to do things and forget where I am supposed to be on this planet, especially in the summer.

Gotta Run! Hugs all and see me Monday.