She's got a ticket to ride
Actually, we were both thinking the same thing. We screwed up big time as teens and let peer pressure and immature anger wreck a really good thing. In just that one talk we both knew we would never be happy with another partner. It had to be me and it had to be him and that was all she wrote. Looking back at it today I can't believe how certain we were that we had to be together. Fourteen years and two big fights later there we were, just as deeply in love as we ever were. I will be riding some of the places tonight that we went then. Some years we could ride this date and some we could not, I always rode behind him. I think the most revealing and romantic thing he told me was that before he came to meet me that afternoon he was going to take the back rest off his bike so I would have to hold on to him. That was his answer to me when I asked, "Is this ok or am I crowding you too much?" as we flew over the roads. You couldn't get a knife blade between us that day..LOL or ever. I was snugged right up to his back and resting my head on his shoulder so I could chat in his ear as we rode. So yes, it was love at first sight the first time and the second and last time. It does happen, it can work and I wish all of you a love like ours. It's going to be a hard and lonely ride tonight but I just have to. It was sunny and 80 degrees that day, with a rainbow dog around the sun and an earth tremor near the pond as we walked that we quipped was our feelings making the earth move as we wandered the paths of our youth. You only get one like that and it should be remembered and celebrated. So I will remember the day and my man, even if it makes me bleed tears - they will be tears of love. so see me later, I 'm grieving again, sorry.OK, I skipped Easter so please accept my make up post.
I call it "Fun things to do when you are making a baby" and I stole it. If it's yours, let me know and I will link to it properly. I think it was supposed to be "Easter egg hidden in the daisies.....LOL.
Now that I have that out of the way - It's taking longer than I planned to get my thoughts straight on the GF post, bear with me, please.
Last night my biker uncle caught me just before I left work. We visited a little and then I had to scoot. I went home and got my bike out then took some flyers over to leave with the bike; Contact info and all that. I have to go there and give that thing a proper cleaning. I was too upset to get it right the other day and I can't sell a dirty bike, the mate would gripe at me forever! I called the BB to see if he wanted to meet for dinner as I was going for a ride that direction. Only a machine. Hum Bug!
Rode north up to a little diner we used to visit a lot as we only lived about two blocks from it years ago. Had breakfast for supper and then took the scenic route home. Followed the signs for a pole barn sale and they were closed when I got there. No big whoop, I was just riding to ride, anyway. It happened to be the reverse of the route we rode the night the mate let me test ride The Black.
The deer were enjoying the lovely weather, too. Saw more than a few, less than a herd. They were kind enough to stay off the road for me. Saw a ring necked pheasant male, pretty, and a whip poor will as well as several circling buzzards. I wanted to stop at the creek but there was someone fishing so I skipped it.
It was 21 years ago today that the mate and I worked out the conflict in our past, realized we were still in love - so much so that before the ride on that beautiful Harley was over that he asked me to wait for him till his kids were grown and I said I would. Talk about your emotional stupidities....what a pair of goofs we were. To think that one talk for 5 hours would be enough to know you want to spend the rest of your lives together...What were we thinking!?
Valerie, dear: This picture!
Thanks for the loan. I think.
My heart is full ... I am sad with you. Love is a wonderful and precious thing ... whenever we find it. Just remember that your kind of love DOES last forever ... it just changes a bit.
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