
I've been up and down and over and out

 and I know one thing, That's Life!

A friend got in touch with me last week and needed a place to stay. Of course I put her up! Things are just a little out of whack in her life and she just needs a place to be that feels safe.  She's got the upstairs. 

Last week also I was informed I'm "just a friend" again. Easy come, Easy going.  But he's got money coming in now so I guess he'll be okay. I don't know when he's leaving. You don't just toss people out for not falling in love with you -- at least not in Michigan in the winter.  He's on the couch. 

So I've got a full house and an empty heart. It's hard to explain the duality of my feelings about this relationship. I know with my head that we weren't clicking, too many differences between us. No harm, no foul. But I am sad and already lonely again.  I can't keep him but I don't want him to leave, either. 

I guess I'll just keep moving and see what comes next. Year 3 and I'm looking for a partner again. 

But I am looking. I'm not quitting on love to be a lonely old woman with a bitter heart. 

Win one, lose some....That's life!

Comments: 5 Comments:
At 25/2/09 4:21 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I'm sorry this is being so hard for you. Cuppa and I have been staying in different houses for just three nights (together during much of the day), and I find it strange and lonely. That's just the way it is.

At 25/2/09 10:39 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

When you get back to one house,you know what to do...let her know you missed her.

I'm okay, just winter blahs with a twist....

I'm working on the music and will be back to writing more now, I hope. It's what I enjoy.

At 26/2/09 1:49 PM, Blogger ICE said...

Sorry to hear the situation with Easy.. but.. I know you will be fine. I remember you saying a long long time ago however, that you can't be alone - don't want to be alone.. But I'm happy that you are taking your time finding that special someone.

At 8/3/09 9:48 PM, Blogger Fred said...

Val! Just wanted to stop in and say hi.

So sorry it didn't work out.

At some point, it'll be win one, win two. I can hardly wait.

At 9/3/09 3:09 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I think I love you Fred, thanks to all of you for being so supportive.


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