
You say it's your birthday!

And it is. So I'm home quietly enjoying the day.

The mom stopped by and dropped off a card. We had coffee and visited. It was good.

Now I'm trying to get the stupid Vista browser to let me view my webpages with all the information in them and no idiot warning bars... I HATE Vista.

But at least the 32 bit runs most of my software. And the challenge of getting it to run the way I want it to is keeping me busy.

Not bored!

Later all.

Comments: 3 Comments:
At 12/1/09 6:57 PM, Blogger ICE said...

Vista is great!!! I have it on 3 computers here at home and there are NO issues whatsoever...

Happy Birthday :) nananana.. you say it's your birthday.. nanananana.. hey happy birthday!! nananananna.. heheh


At 14/1/09 9:31 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I meant to wish you Happy Birthday the other day but got distracted.

At 16/1/09 4:34 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

It won't run my software. It doesn't let me access half my files unless I go in and boss it around, The browser sucks, the warnings and alerts won't turn off and I hates it, I does!!

Hey Anvil, that's okay! We are both getting older and more easily distracted!! (LOL!!)


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