
Information please, help me to get through

to her in Memphis, Tennessee. Rock on Chuck!

Once someone asked me, "How can you be here and there at the same time?"

I was praying today when that was brought back to me to contemplate. I had answered, "In spirit." That was true, at the time. We grow and change, we learn.

If, what I call the little "us"'s, are real we build them with family and friends and they are powered by our love for each other. All our love comes from the Creator, but we get to chose what we do with the love he gives us.

The love that I see between any two that meet here and become more than passing aquaintences is, for me, an US. Those two care for the parent, child, friendship, sister or brother love between them by the way they treat each other.

These Us's have their own existance separate from our selves. The friends I have never met here are still dear to me but the ones I have had time with to get to know are more vivid and more deeply understood, I think. That makes a stronger US between us.

We chose which US's we touch each day and which ones we treasure for years. Friends I had to let go of but that in my heart I still hold close I can always call on if our US is strong.

One that called me yesterday I hadn't spoken with since before Christmas. He had a wonderful thing happen for him and wanted to share it with me! God Bless him, I needed a cheering word. There was something I could do for him today and I will, of course, because he asked and I can so I will - as soon as I can get to it. And I spoke to his girl, a new friend I made through him last year. It was so good to chat with her!

The US I have with that friend has lasted over thirty years and only been touched in person a few times since we built it. We have never shared the comfort of a bed between us, it's not that kind of US. We have nursed each other through heart breaks and shared our love of music, we shared what we had when one of us was broke, we shared food, and cash and mostly, just seeing what was in the other to love.

It's an US I treasure though I can't touch it everyday and make sure he is doing ok, he can't get time for me either, often, to actually be with me and visit. But the US of us Loves on.

All my US's, large or small, new or old, let me be there with my friends and family. They never hesitate to call and ask if there is a need I can fill for them. They know, even if it has been years, that our US is strong.

I have an US with a girl I met last year for a few hours and only saw an hour or so this year. I want that one to be touched more but there is distance between us, so I pray for her from here.

A friend from 30 years ago, a woman who needed a place to stay back then, just lost her Mom. I went to the funeral knowing I had hugs and words she needed to hear. We have only seen each other about five times in the last ten or fifteen years. But she needed a touch of the love I still hold for her while she grieved and I took it there, confident of my reception. Our US is strong.

I needed the words she gave me that day and I still feel that first hug we shared and the hurt I eased in her by that touch. I knew the love she held for me from the touch of her arms. Not from the words. I was comforted by the knowing we were still real friends.

My sister was with me at the family party on Sunday and we broke bread and shared the day. I still look forward to seeing her tomorrow, if we both make it that far.

If she doesn't get kicked in the head by a horse or get wrecked in the miles she drives and if I get safely home from work then we will have more fun again then. There is always that parting to come with anyone we love here.

Learning to love still and walk on past that temporary separation is what I have been doing for more than a year now. We block out that knowledge and don't teach how to walk on past the hurt and grief. I have lost a brother, a father, grama's and grampa's and uncles and aunts and cousins and friends. Some when I was small and some when I was grown. I still have Mom but that one isn't going to hurt so much when she goes.

What I have learned walking through this place when I had to leave the mate behind is that all the love I have had here with those I love is still mine. They don't die and they don't stop loving, that is the very essence of all that is in Creation. The Divine Love is all there is. Each living cell of each living thing is love, that is the life in it.

With all of that love being His, and for me, Hers, their love for all being a Divine and Invisible US, down to the very air we breathe, I am always with the ones I love when I send my love through them, He, Him as it is said in our language.

This didn't quite go where I thought it was headed so let me try to make my point. Some times, out of the blue, a friend is brought to your mind. "I should call so and so," you say and then maybe, you do. Or you think of someone and run into them and get to talk.

I don't see a mystery there anymore. I believe the US of you is always there to be called on. I can't be where I want to and doing what I think is important sometimes. I send my love into what I have come to call the "Ethernet of Life and Love". I take it to the Divine Love and lay it to them to use as they see fit. They can call me to your mind, they can make you think you ought to call. You might just decide to swing by when you are in the area. They can remind me to call you, too.

Sometimes the thought to seek out a friend is so sudden and strong you just get right up and grab the keys and walk right off to go. This is the US of you and them, touching your heart and moving you by love.

Us's still take at least two to build and care for, they can have many more. Like the groups you belong to and the gatherings where you go, they build an US out of many. It still needs you there with your care for that group to get the balance right.

My US with the mate is fine, I can use it to remember how to love better now. The US of me and my father I have, too. I can draw on the things I learned from him here and still go on without him, knowing he loves me still. Our US didn't die, just their bodies did. All my US's, those there and those here, are love I can draw on or give as needed to those I love.

The ones passed on ahead have no real need for my love now, they are covered. I use the love they taught me of to help the ones I still walk with. I draw my love from the Divine Love but the love I have shared here taught me how to do that, too. Just ask. Speak your need.

Another friend I have told me he needed something of me that was not something I wanted to do. It was hard for me. I have done it, but only by continuing to send love in prayer and by asking for the strength to do as he said. He didn't really even ask, he sort of claimed the right to just declare it, telling me what to do. He is my friend. I accepted that from him. He hurts. I want to help. I do what I can. I pray.

When you have a love that ends for whatever reason, there is still the US between you. The hard part of breaking away or breaking up is having to let that US go. You can't keep it, you gave it to the US of the two of you. You can't build an US alone. You have to let go of that part of your love and leave it there, invisible but real, and still in your heart. Laying down a love hurts.

Disolving an US is never easy, if it's more than just a speaking aquaintence. When one of two decides there can be no US, both have to let it go. We get married, it fails, we divorce. We are mated and we cheat. There are many ways to hurt an US and even kill one, I think. Those injured and killed US's hurt us, some even years later, if we keep them to ourselves.

I take the hurts I get in a day from those I walk with here and say, 'I know it's all love but can you show me the love in this? It looks like fertilizer to me." He tells me sometimes it is. You lay those dead loves and US's down to him and he uses what you have learned from them to help you learn to love more like him. He can even take the pain from them once you see how you needed them - not for then, but for later - to love even better and more beautifully one day.

There is always one US that will touch each one that you never have to leave behind, that is the Divine US, God, who's love touches each bit of life. I call it, "Hello, Central?" sometimes. It feels like the old phone systems to me. The operator knew who had a need and who might fill it and where they were.

"Hello, Central?, I need the Doc! Jimmy fell and broke his leg!" The tinny voice would say, "He's at Dean's, Clara might have her baby today. Let me ring him up for you." Help comes.

When you love someone and bring them in prayer from your heart you touch that central operator. Tell God what you see is needed and give him the love that you would apply if you could. He will see that it gets to the one you sent it to. You can take that to the bank.

We really are all connected and by sharing out our joys and sorrows He teaches each one how to love better. More unconditional love is growing here all the time.

In the hard things we do for each other and the easy favor we pass on, we are always sharing out our piece of His Great Love. Love is Divine, always. Love is Life. Living is sharing that Love.

Love holds us all together and where we spend our love it is never wasted, it comes back to us in more love, lessons in love and growing in His love. You can't run out of love, you can't love too much. Share it where you feel it today, like I always say, hug someone for me today.

Inspite of what this says my truth is I still walk without a special man that wants to share my life. But I love while I am here. I love the ones I have with me. I see you do the same. You love. Because you are here, just reading, I can truthfully say, I don't walk alone, I just can't get over to hug you today.

Thank you for reading this long post. My heart was full today.

There is someone out there that asked me once, "How can you be there and here, too.?" I think all this was just to say, the answer should have been, "Because I love you."