
Drifting along like the tumbling tumbleweed

Sorry all, the great power of the universe cut me off. My phone went out on Friday and just got repaired today. My cell doesn't get service where I work and I have been basically out of the loop for almost five days.

During that time we have had a new dog join the clan here, along with the black cat living in my basement. The Dog is Jen's and fits right in here. Jen's dog is Roscoe. He is older and mellow and no threat to anyone here, yay!

My dog came to me as Shadow, though I call her Pretty girl. The black cat came to us as Mystique, though I call her stoner cat (addicted to cat nip) and I have named the black tom of the basement Magician and will call him Mage. I love naming things.

I am back at work once again for at least a week or two. It's going well and I am striving to bring in more work in a time of no work, wish me luck.

Jeanette has learned that she will be able to get a mortgage once her house is up and the lender will give her a letter of pre-approval for the contractor she chooses. That way the contractor knows he will get his money back. The burned home will be rebuilt!!!!

The kids have gotten the property up by my nephew and are working on getting it painted and ready to move into. The other kids are doing fine where they are for now but are looking into alternatives for housing in that area as the girl has work there. It's all going well for all of us and I can't begin to tell you how the money just keeps coming to them.

With three places instead of one for expenses they could be falling behind but every need is being met.

The weather here has been fridged and the snow iced over. Tonight we get wind for more blowing and drifting. The new car, while it's not a truck, has been doing well for me and I feel confident tooling around in any weather that isn't over the hub caps.

The Eldest Daughter has been building snowmen, I built one for the grand daughter last Monday when I went to see #1son. Scooter Girl and her family are getting a new house soon and Best Girl came out Sunday to see to the phones in case it was the inside lines.

Anvil, I have the photos scanned but they are HUGE - 34 meg. I have to get to a wi-fi spot to upload them, it would take days on dial up! Hang on!

I am behind on all my blog reading and hope to get caught up by the weekend. Tonight was bible study and we really had good talks. I went to a prayer meeting last week and meet the people who's son was injured. The good news is that the vertibrea are not crushed and the bone that was out of place is back where it should be. He has feeling in all parts of his body. Thank you all for the healing prayers.

I just have to get to bed tonight. Work in the am. There is more but I am so behind I don't even know what all I have done lately.

Just know I love you all and will be back writing soon.

Comments: 3 Comments:
At 7/3/07 3:37 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Or you could pop them onto a CD.

At 7/3/07 3:53 PM, Blogger dan said...

Sometimes life gets in the way. Don't I know it.

every step is one forward, yeah?

At 8/3/07 10:53 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I will, Anvil, thank you!

Hey Dan, Life can't get in the way, it's what's happening now.

It is what it is.


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