
These precious days I spend with you

What if there really were a big bang and controlled creation at the same time? If there was just one self aware being so full of love and happiness that being alone was no longer an option. It just needed to share the joy and love with someone else. It was so full of love and happiness and power it just blew itself apart into tiny bits and then put them together in the most beautiful and satisfying way it could?

After creating the perfect place for us it put us in place and said "Look, isn't this beautiful? Everything I have is yours. Look! Isn’t this bird beautiful? Don’t you just love what I did with the skies and the trees and the wind and the plains? Oo! Mountains! Don’t you just think they are the most uplifting and mysterious creation?Aren’t they the greatest thing against a horizon? What about sunsets? I just love sunsets! I can do a different one everyday! They are so much fun to create I put in sunrises, too. It’s all so wonderful and I love it so much I wanted to share it with you. Look over here! See this itty bitty flower I made? I just think that color of blue is so pretty, don’t you?"

"You are my special friends I made just so I would have someone to love and appreciate what I have done here and see it was good. Someone to talk with and enjoy it with so I don’t have to be alone. I wanted someone like me that would love these creations of mine and care for them. "

"I gave you bodies to enjoy loving each other with and set it up so two of you will create a third and not have to be alone, just us. There will be lots of us to share the beauty and the love and the goodness of our selves with soon. I gave you hearts to love with and souls of your own so you were each unique. Then I filled you with life with a piece of my own spirit."

"I have it all set up so all you have to do is enjoy it. You have only to reach out your hand to find good things to eat and I made lots of different flavors for you then built your tongue just to taste them. I thought that was a pretty neat idea! "

"I love you! If you think of anything you need, just ask. If you would walk in the garden and talk to me of the love and beauty and goodness here that would be so much fun for me. I have been alone too long. "

"Oh! And I put the prettiest river in the midst of the garden; Wait until you see it!"

Love, beauty, goodness, bounty, food, shelter, everything good and others to share it with were all provided for each and everyone of us. Our Creator does not change. We changed.

Why? What made us change from the perfect partners and companions for the Divine Being’s joy in sharing to the sad, miserable race of humanity we have become?

I believe we have forgotten why we are here. To share the love and the beauty and the bounty of this planet with each other and to walk in the garden and talk with Creator about all the beauty and joy we have found living here. To love him, ourselves and each other. That is all he asked us to do.

If we are animated and protected by a piece of his perfect spirit of love and goodness how have we fallen so far that we forget to share our joy and happiness with our Creator?

Who are his preferred companions? Children. They take joy and happiness and beauty and love and see it in each new thing they discover. They come running with the first dandilion and the first violet and the first catipillar to show us but we have let the knowledge of our joy in sharing fade from us as we grow up in the "real" world.

The first words we teach our children are the names of their creators; Mama, Daddy, Papa, Mom, Father, Mother. The second series of words we teach our children are please, thank you and you are welcome.

Next we teach them NO. No, you can’t color on the walls, slide down the bannister, ride pillows down the stairs, throw balls in the house, dance and sing while the parents are trying to watch TV, make music with your toys too loud. No, not right now. No I don't have time. No, you can't go to the park now, maybe later. Negative. This is teaching them they are not important to us, that we only care about ourselves and our needs and they teach this to their children when they grow up because it is their turn to be important.

Our Creator does not say no. He has said yes to everything we think up that we think we need to be happy. He is endlessly giving us whatever we ask for to be happy. He does not audit or edit out things we think up. He gives us the freedom to create our own happiness. Because everything he makes is good, we can not receive a bad thing from him. We can look at it and call it "bad" and it becomes so. He can only see and give goodness.

I was created the way I am. Was I satisfied with that beautiful me? No. Were you happy with the beautiful you? We are not. Why? Because we continue to teach ourselves and our children to KNOW bad. To judge good or bad instead just acceping everything as the good and perfect creation that it is.

Our parents and their parents and the book said we are bad and have to atone. That is not true. We just have to turn to them, The Divine Love and say, "Father, Mother, Thank you, this is beautiful. I love all that you have done for me. I am so glad to have so much to choose from for my joy. It all takes care of itself if we don’t harm it. I only have to enjoy it and being alive. Will you walk in the garden with me and can we talk? I love you and I want to spend time with you."

They answer, "Most wonderful child of mine, you are very welcome! Please, just enjoy it! We would love to spend time with you. Let’s go for a walk." The gifts are here, the needs here are met, the joy and love are here, the life is here. All that is asked of us is to be companions and only see the good with the Divine Perception our spirits have the power to use.

I will no longer choose to see wrong, bad, negative. I will choose to see the good in each action and each being I share the planet with. I see the joy and peace and love that is my true self. My complete and beloved self. I will not let another soul tell mine what is. I choose what is for me and what is not.

I - I my most joyfilled and glorious self, see no evil - I only see live. I see no devil - I only see lived. I see no death, only a metamorphesus into a free soul of spirit matter. I see no way to be apart from my creators or my beloved friends and family. I am not apart, I just see them as gone ahead of me into a new life or waiting to join me there.

It’s not my goal to rewrite your religions. It’s not my thought to change what you believe. It is not in me to hurt you at all. Believe what you will, you are on your own path back to your creator. I just have to tell you what I saw and what I am learning from it. I can only tell you truth I have seen.

I will look at the drying head of an old rose and see the seed it is making for the entire bush to grow from. The rose is not dead, it is creating new life. That is beauty.

Comments: 5 Comments:
At 24/2/07 7:15 PM, Blogger Cyrus said...

Wow. Are we on the same page, or what?

I know that this is completely subjective...but, it really feels like a lot of people I know are fairly suddenly on very similar paths. Kind of like a 100th monkey style shift.


At 25/2/07 3:14 PM, Blogger Jean said...

You are such an inspiration!

At 25/2/07 8:45 PM, Blogger Fred said...

The title of this post got me hooked. And true to form, what a great read.

Hope you're doing well, Val.

At 26/2/07 10:00 AM, Blogger Cyrus said...

Hmmm...couldn't find it on your profile.


At 26/2/07 11:15 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

And to think I always worry that you will all disappear if I write my truths here.

Bless you all for being my friends!

Cyrus, check the email, Jean, high praise from another I see seeking, FRED! Yay! you are still here! Miss you when you are gone.


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