
Let me whisper in your ear,

Because I still can't speak out loud. The good news is today is the first day the rest of me seems to be normal. I am almost drug free! I am superstitious about giving up the cough syrup but have only taken it once today. While I can tell I am not 100% yet I am way closer than I was a few days ago. Yay!

We had our family Christmas Party Saturday. It was fun to see everyone in a big pile but there are so many new short people that it gets a little noisy. We missed my eldest and the sister's girl, mate and 2 kids of having everyone there.

We all bring pot luck and keep it pretty basic so no one gets too flustered from having to feed that many. There were lots of yummy candies, cookies, and a birthday cake for the youngest grand girl along with a nice dinner. It's so hard to stay out of the treats. I did pretty well considering there was penuche, my personal demon, home made turtles with home made caramel over the nuts with chocolate on top, chocolate chip cookies, some kind of yummy layered cookies and a big bowl of mixed nuts to nibble on. Home jello jigglers and some other candy added color to the table. Not a good place to avoid eating...LOL!

The youngest grand is just one year this month. She's starting to have her own personality. Right now she is being a "mama's girl". I'll be glad when she's ready to bust out and hang with us. Gotta play with bubbles and such.

All of us seem to be doing fairly well. The kids all looked good and seemed fairly happy. The visit went well and I enjoyed it considering I had to mime or make someone come over to me where I could whisper to them. I have been looking forward to seeing some of our pals soon but if I can't talk I don't know how much fun it will be....I do have a whistle!

Now if I can just get enough energy to bake my own stuff this year I'll be doing well!

Comments: 3 Comments:
At 20/12/05 12:36 AM, Blogger dan said...

This year is the first I've ever had penuche...

Where was this stuff all my life?!

At 24/12/05 8:50 AM, Blogger Fred said...

Hey Val, I'm just checking in to wish you a Merry Christmas and a great holiday weekend. See you next week!

At 24/12/05 11:14 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Thank you for the kind thoughts Fred. I went to comment on your blog but there were so many already I figured I'd wait a while.

LOL, too many comments! You are getting to be a HOT blogger! Congratulations!

Dan - Never had it till ten years ago. My Mom's grandma used to make it and the little sis did some to please her. YUM! Make my own now!


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