
Bearing gifts we travel afar...

The gifts are going to have to do the traveling, I'm still down. I appreciate all the nice thoughts posted and emailed to me while I'm sick. Thank you. It does make a difference to know there are people that care that aren't your Mom!

So while I was all cranky and can't talk I made you all some gifts for being so nice. If you can't see the pictures please right click on the red x and select "Show Picture".

For one of my readers that took a photo for wallpaper - the real thing. Click on the photo, another window will open. Wait for the photo to download all the way, right click on it and select "Save Picture As". Then it's yours to use as wallpaper.

2006 Calender

For the rest of my pals I made a calendar so you can mark out your vacations for the year on it and hang it where you can stare at it all day at work.

Click on the picture and when the next window loads all the way, right click on the big version and select print. Let me know if they give you any trouble. I hope you enjoy them.

There! I got my Christmas gifts for the blog pals done!


Comments: 7 Comments:
At 16/12/05 11:24 PM, Blogger ell said...

Nice gifts! I printed out the calendar and it's lovely. A bit small to write on, but I like the fairies and mythological creatures. :D

Hope you're feeling better soon.

At 16/12/05 11:33 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

How thoughtful. Get well soon though.

At 17/12/05 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better Val. It must be because we are so busy this time of year.. but colds and flues seem to linger and linger.

At 17/12/05 10:36 AM, Blogger Fred said...

Very nice. I'm a litle slow, though. I looked for the mysterious red x and didn't see one. It's probably right in front of me.

Hope you're feeling better.

At 17/12/05 11:18 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Thank you and you are welcome, all.

Fred, the little red x is what you see if the pictures don't show. If you see pictures, no red x.

Hugs all!

At 18/12/05 5:31 AM, Blogger dan said...

Thanks for the true photo Valerie! Best xmas present so far this year.

And since my family doesn't exchange gifts, it'll probably stay that way!

At 19/12/05 11:02 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

We treasure spending time with our families more than dustables.

We do gift the little kids and swap boy/girl gifts for the rest of us. Some times we do white elephant swaps. There is always a 10.00 limit. It's just for fun.

I am glad you like the wall paper, Dan. I will be adding some more later.


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