
Where oh where can my Baby be?

I am just fine here, thank you all that emailed! This week Tuesday was opening day of deer season. While we are not hunting this year the boss is and I have been really busy at work. When I get home I am beat and there just haven't been enough hours in the day.

My spare time has been eaten up with this little gem. Click for the full version.


That's right, a 12 minute collect call from Arkanas from the mate was billed at 4.34 per minute. I am in a serious rage and have been on the phone or on hold on the phone with this problem when I could have been writing. Researching this problem ate up more hours. Wait for the documentation and the rant!

It must be a planet alignment or the moon phase because a lot of the blogs are rant filled this week. You can check their various 'tudes here, here, here, and here.

So I am not dead and will be posting this week's adventures in cramming as soon as I have the material organized.

I have been working on another post about ownership, government, inheritance and stewardship. It's really on my mind but the words are not coming out properly arranged yet.

We had our first snow yesterday and it stayed about a minute. It should all be gone by the time I come home tonight. It's getting colder and feeling more like winter all the time. I am looking forward to getting through the cold months with all of you to distract and entertain me.

Back soon!

Comments: 5 Comments:
At 18/11/05 10:18 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

... we are not hunting ourselves this year ...

Your medical bills should go down then.

At 18/11/05 10:50 AM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Phone bills often hide hidden surprises.

Wow, that sounded like a Chinese fortune cookie saying!

But it's true: my parents recently got billed for some 'toll free' numbers that apparently switched over to 'toll' after they called. They were flummoxed.

At 18/11/05 11:31 AM, Blogger dan said...

Our snow was about the same. What was supposed to be 8 inches turned into the ground looking like a powdered doughnut. Ahhh.

At 18/11/05 11:41 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Oh, fine! I miss one set of commas and you shoot me down!

Fred should have caught that, anyway, Anvil.

And then Saur's find,I guess I will go make my corrections.

At 19/11/05 1:34 PM, Blogger Fred said...

I spend every month on the phone with Cingular about something. It's absolutely annoying how the phone companies hide charges, suddenly change rate plans by mistake, etc.

Looks like you changed the mistake, you're a good student!


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