
Dream a little dream of me

I don't wake up quickly or well. I mostly don't want to wake up at all. I have to have at least one cup of coffee quietly to myself before I am ready to be any kind of social. Then I like to get dressed and brush my hair before I sit to watch the birds come feed and chat with the mate.

I think it's because I find it hard to get to sleep in bed that I hate to be woken up. I have to really work at relaxing and shutting down the mind. I usually read for a while, too, to get my mind out of reality and into fantasy so it stops repeating things to itself. Once I have reached sleep I just want to stay there until I feel like getting up.

Then there is work...LLLL. I have to get there for several reasons. Right now we are busy enough that I expect to be shipping and arranging orders for many days in a row. Sales are going to be taking a back seat to customer service. That's why there were no posts then 3 of them, I haven't had the time or energy to get them up this week.

But the point of mentioning work is that it requires me to be up everyday. So I get up. Once I am up and get going the planet and the mate make my days interesting. The birds squawk and squabble over the feeders and the bird bath, the trees are still a glowing yellow at the neighbors house, the lawn needs mowing this weekend. The mate gives me a hug and some kisses to carry me until I get home and I watch for the deer, coons, dogs, cats and other critters that jump in and out of my road and make the trip to work different everyday.

Then I am where I am needed. It's a phone call, paperer shuffle world but it's mine and I do it well. I like most of my customers and we enjoy some strange calls that start out with product delivery and end up on UBC Beach in Vancover BC.

So I'm up. And I thought I would mention that your blogs give me little glimpses of other lives and times that perk up my humdrum day when I get a minute to catch up with you all. I really appreciate all of my blogger buddies! Thanks for the smiles!

Comments: 5 Comments:
At 4/11/05 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so hate having to get up to an alarm clock and go to work every day mayself! Thing is, I'm not against getting up early - I love mornings, I just don't want that feeling that I HAVE to get up by a certain time. I'd rather finish my dream and then get up...

At 4/11/05 10:06 AM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I love waking up, but I guess that's just me. I don't know of anyone else that shares that mental disease. I guess it's cuz I have so many horrid nightmares, and always have. Waking up is always a relief to me.

At 4/11/05 11:54 AM, Blogger dan said...

I've been awake for the last 4 hours myself. But I still don't think I'm up yet.

That probably won't happen until about 6 when I can go home. ;)

At 5/11/05 11:43 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I'm not exactly a moring person myself. Now that I am able to ease into the day at my own pace, life is better.

At 5/11/05 1:39 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

You said it just right, MO!

Sorry to hear about the bad dreams, Saur, I hate that! A really bad one will keep me up all night.

The difference between up and awake is blurry for me, too llll, Dan.

Hi Anvil, Yup up when I want and bed when I want usually had me starting chores about 2PM and going to bed about 3am. Envy you.

Thanks all!


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