
Song Sung Blue

Everybody knows one, I hope I can remember more than one. For those of you in the area, I will be at Quinn and Tuite's tonight at 9:00 to play about an hour while all the great talent signs up for the open mic night. We always have a good time there. Dennis is going for moral support, I'm so glad! If I forget what I'm doing I can ask him to do one with me and bail me out.

Speaking of bailing, just a real world note. The rains really nailed us here for two days and my sump pump was submerged. It wasn't a submersible. I had a spare one put in yesterday and it puked while I was gone last night. I have been running a small back up pump that requires turning on and off. I didn't get much sleep this week.

I got the lawn partly mowed and will try to catch the rest of it before I go sing tonight.

I jumped in the truck to go to an appointment with the people I am building the new websites for and it wouldn't run. It would start, but shut itself off. The word "security" lit up on the dash. I gave up, reset the appointment and joked that now the truck would start. On a lark, I tried it again after I got off the phone. It started.

So I need a new sump pump. I need brakes on the truck soon and at least two tires and I'm about half nuts from not enough rest.

Oh, yeah and I need to fill at least 45 minutes with music tonight and have fun doing it.

Has anyone seen my yaya? I gotta get it out.

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 20/9/08 2:57 PM, Blogger Fred said...

Hope it went well. Let us know!

At 21/9/08 10:45 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

gHad a good night. will be back to post


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