Meet me tonight - on the open road
Yesterday, sixty one degrees, warm and sunny! Wow!
I have been dealing with septic pipe issues that the last visit of the plumber didn't cure. Yesterday a caring man needed a resume written and brought his son to fix that while I typed and edited. We got done and he offered to help get the bike out. Oh YA!
I ran out and grabbed the Pro-Guard we put in our bikes every spring and said, add about three ounces of this, the start sequence is pull throttle twice, hold open, hit button, let off slowly then ran to dress.
I got jeans, t-shirt, leather, helmet, sunglasses and money, ID. I heard the bike start as I was pulling my hair back. I hurried faster. I was putting the animals out as I went, shutting doors and grabbing Mom's stuff for her. I got out there as my friend was running through the gears down the road to make sure she would stay running for me.
I got the helmet on, told the Mom bye, thanked the boy and, when the nice man came back with the bike to the end of the drive, gave him a hug and thanks from my heart, too.
Then I jumped on and left it all behind me.
I took such joy in the day, having a bike to celebrate spring with, the ride and having gas money and friends to seek out and nice roads and herons and hawks and deer and critters around that my laughter echoed the rythym of the pipes growling as the bike and I went West, South, East and North. I never did find anyone to ride with but they were out there somewhere. I met one bike at a stop light and pulled up to say hello. I wished for a friend to share it all with. I got almost eighty five miles of joy in riding the son's bike. I have it all ready for him to ride when he gets his next chance to come down.
Now I am looking for another bike for me.
The starlings came back two weeks ago, the red wing blackbirds are back and tonight I saw a robin. Monday the crocus were up out front and the daffodiles are green and tall, ready to bloom. It's only a week until the spring solstice. Today I planted hyacinths.
Life is good again. The promise of resurrection is in the earth all around us. Spring!
They'll be plenty of bad weather yet, but we make hay while the sun shines, and you do that well.
Thank you Anvil, project not forgotten but rescheduled.
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