Oh how he swings back and forward in the saddle
I spent today with the Sis. We went shopping (shhhh...can't talk about that), she treated to lunch and then I watched her work a horse. He's been giving her some trouble as he thinks he's the boss. She hates that. I wanted to see if having someone else there pumped her up enough to get him working with her and not against her.
She uses whisperer methods and incorporates any non violent method that seems good to her. A crop or stick used as a weapon is a very last resort with her. I watched her when my hip was healing as she trained two untouched mini horses to pull a cart in less than an hour each. Today was just as fun. While there were reasons the big horse might have been less than cooperative before he did really well today, I thought.
I got to ride really slow on Coal Man, too. Actually she wouldn't let us loose, I am too out of shape. I did notice I still have a fair seat but with no thigh muscles to speak of it would be weeks before she cut me loose alone on her pride and joy. Here is a photo of him and a link to her website. He is worth a look, believe me!
Yesterday I got to know another neighbor. A few weeks ago I stopped at an estate sale in Thinks it's a Big City and on the way out I got talking with this guy and find out he and his wife live just two blocks from me. He fixes watches and clocks. I told him I wanted a wind up Timex and he says, I have one, come over. We exchange info and I wander off after the little animals. I will bet I have left here three times with the watches I wanted to give him in my pockets or actually wearing them to remind me to stop and still didn't get it done.
Last night I finally got over there. He was a really nice man and gave me three watches, I thought to choose from, but no, all three. He works by donations so I gave him what I had extra and told him I would give two of them as gifts. I now own a working wind up watch and even remembered to wind them all today! Yay! No more batteries! I like that. Lots.
So I get with the sis and tell her about him and ask if she has some watches for him to work on. Does she have any to get rid of? He donates his watches through the VFW to an orphanage in Michigan for the teens there. He is a Viet Nam Vet himself and did two tours in that place he will not read, speak or watch a movie about. He taught himself to do watches when he was laid up in the VA hospital. I learned a lot from just one visit. His lady was crashed on the couch so I didn't get to visit with her. She must have been really bushed as we had lights on and regular talking voices, not to mention talking to his cockatiel right by her head, LOL!
I am going to do this because I could tell he has to have something to keep busy. This man has pieces and parts and bands and watches he picks up, fixes and then donates or gives away if someone can't afford them. He likes old ones best, as do I, and he likes the old electrical ones with the battery sticking out on the back. He loves old pocket watches.
This man needs to keep his hands busy. It is part of how he copes with life. IF I gave you an address, do you have any old watchs you would send him? He works on donations. You could put a watch in a padded envelope addressed to him with a note on the problem, a money order or check in it for what ever it is worth to you and add a return address sticker. He could fix them and send them back in the same envelope. Do you have any watches you just don't want or need anymore? Same question. IF you will do this then just Email Me and I will send you his address.
It's just a neat thing to do. I had two watches to give him but got three for my money. Now I have two for gifts. The sis gave me a baggie full to have repaired and another of donations. I have a special one I am taking over for amusement purposes tomorrow. They were not home tonight. I can't wait to see what he says. He does clocks, too. I saw mantle clocks and what I call "wall bongers", they hang on the wall but bong like a grandfather clock. I think Mom has one that needs fixed. He said usually they are just dirty.
I just want to give this man a boost. I thought I would ask if you all would help. Even you lurkers that never comment might be able to send a watch for him to fix and return or fix and donate.
Anyway, I got a new phone tonight. One of those pay as you go cell phones. I only use it when I am on the road or broke down but this one may actually ring into the house. The nephew had one that worked right here at the table! I live in a dead zone for most cell service, that is why I haven't gone to a plan. I gave my first phone to my mom and it's not working for her too well so I think I will give her my other one with minutes on it for her birthday, way early. I will take back the one she is having trouble with and pass it on to someone who needs it.
I haven't opened mine yet. I just know it will be a "read this, punch that, put in this outrageously long number, call here, tell it this, say your name" mess that I wasn't ready to deal with tonight. The good news is that I can hook into the Bro1 and B1son walkie talkie thing. That will be fun.
I have a counter full of boring cookies to put away. I copped out and did them sis's way tonight to get them made. I have a dryer full of 300 count Egyptian Cotton Sheets!!! (wow, and thanks to the Eldest who reads here sometimes!) to put on the bed and a sink of dishes to do. Tomorrow I am going to clean house. Not paint, not wallpaper, just clean. What a concept. What is not finished I will be getting to as I feel like it. I really want to finish the play room upstairs so the kids can use it more easily.
I have a few cards to write and some thank yous to get around and send. I want to get some more stuff out of the living area and into my bedroom. Like the printer and stand. I have a place to move it but haven't figured out the wiring part yet. Thinking.
I spent some time visiting with a friend in Small Town yesterday. He and I get pretty deeply into our spiritual discoveries and beliefs. We are finding so many things we think the same on he sometimes spooks me. I will have gone over it with the mom and sis and tried to explain it and he just already has it figured the same way I have tried to express.
I am back to trying to stay busy and one thing I know is I am better off around people right now even if I just sit and watch them. I have chores to do here tomorrow though. I am still waiting on the insurance company so a vehicle is still on hold.
Gotta go now. More later friends.
Oh, I do have one from the 1960s, I guess. But it's the thought of sending it back and forth across the new border that makes my head hurt.
I know, we ship there, it's a mess. Who thinks up this stuff? Six pages of paperwork to say "We made it and he bought it."
Happy Holidays to the busiest person in Blogland. Hands down.
Have a great one, Val.
Very Kind of you Fred, but I don't have kids so I am not the busiest, I just write about every little thing to make it look good!
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