
The days grew long

I was rushing last night to get home, clear the table, pull the stuff for the mom, move another box to the back porch, hit the high spots with the mop and get the junk off my chair so I would have a place to sit before the bible study group got there.

I ended up cramming in treating a wound on my old cat in the middle of all that. I had noticed a swelling on his face the night before but he was still eating and didn't seem to be in pain so I had just fed him and let it go. It burst when we all came in after work, I guess, there was a trail of drops of blood all over the place I found when I mopped.

Timone has been losing weight since I got back from San Diego. He has gone from "OMG! what a hugh CAT!" to a bony feeling "poor kitty". He eats, doesn't have worms, but I think it's not good and I will have to run him to the vet. I cleaned the draining area with peroxide, sopped up and mopped up and let him lose again. The sis helped me do it again later in the evening and he was just annoyed that I was getting his chin hair wet. He is eleven years old and has been King of Cats here since we moved in and he whipped the big black tom that used to run things.

Buck was a little under the weather last night, too. He had the shivers. He gets them sometimes for no apparent reason but I worry. I know he and Timone will be with the mate before I am but I hate sending them even though I feel out numbered by the pets right now. They don't get enough attention unless I import a kid to hang out with them. The grands are getting lives and don't have the time they used to.

Sis brought dinner. She and I are going to split the dinners, so it's my turn next week. We cut the mom out of the loop because hauling stuff is getting difficult for her to handle. I could hardly lift the chili pot she dragged over last week! Spagetti was nice and warming in the chill, damp evening. Our visitor made it again this week and we got all caught up with her.

I guess I should mention the cousin went back to college down in Florida. She won't be back for a while. Mom misses her and we miss watching her metamorph into a real woman instead of the shy girl she was when she began hanging out with us.

We had a productive session. Mom had some concerns and I had the Hired Girl to ask for prayer for, Sis is doing ok but for the one boy that had his wife leave him. She is newly diagnosed bi-polar and we think she cut her meds out. She is not the self we knew and loved.

They left and I jumped online to get caught up with the mail. The window guy sent the estimate and it's more than I planned but will be done right. Once the windows are up I can haul the plumber back and get him going again. THEN we commence with the plaster repairs, wallpaper removal and heavy cleaning. If I have the place emptied out by then....LOL. what a furkin mess!

I arranged to have next Monday off so I will have some extra time to mutilate and spindle the place. I need to get the yard mowed one last time before winter, too, and pick up a small snow blower.

We hates winter, yes we does, precious!

Comments: 4 Comments:
At 21/9/06 9:00 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Things certainly keep hopping over thataway.

At 21/9/06 9:44 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

It's just a barrel of monkeys fun here!

I keep telling myself that.

At 21/9/06 1:49 PM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Yeah, I can't stand your kinda winter. It gets cold enough HERE as it is!

Sorry about the poor kitty. I hope that the vet figures out what's going wrong! Keep us posted.

At 22/9/06 10:28 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Winter is ok, it slows us down and gives us more time for the family and intellectual persuits....LOL!

Timone is ok, still too skinny.


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