
Lucy in the sky

no diamonds in the a.m., but the view from the first plane, at 26,000 feet was amazing. The grand canyon and a crater like a HUGE one from the moon all sculpted in snow decorated the area under the plane.

My seats were rough, all middles. My row companions were all do-able. I was one shot down puppy though.

Back at the house Jones got home just as KMA was leaving. He grabbed a nap but it was only an hour or so and he had been running all day for his folks who are getting ready to move. He was dead meat and I was death warmed over but still functioning. I finished one pot of coffee and got the last minute packing done.

I had figured out how to do online confirmation and had printed my boarding passes. I figured that would save some time. The last thing I packed was the machine and I was ready. I grabbed yet another shower and changed into my traveling clothes. It was time to wake Jones. I called up the stairs and got an answer, ran out to load one bag, called up the stairs, got a second answer, took the second bag out and wedged it into the little white truck, ran back inside and called upstairs to see Jones in a chair getting his shoes on. I poured us a couple to go cups of coffee and I was ready.

With all the crap about security I wanted to be plenty early and was a little antsy but with boarding passes in hand I felt like we had the extra time he needed to get some food in him and really wake up so I sat down and started sucking in nicotine. No smoking at the airport, no smoking on the planes, no smoking in parks and on beaches in california. ACK! And who forgot to buy nicotine gum? Crap.

As I sat there looking around for what I might have forgotten I started really seeing my house. It is a grubby little old farm house but has been my refuge from the world for ten years and more. Even with the mate gone it is still my shelter from the storms of the real world. We have never made it a full week away except for the trip to Kentucky we made with Reb and Rusty. We always cut out time away short and headed home because that's where all it right for us. I got maudlin and dripped a few tears while I asked Jones to be good to the critters.

When he was awake enough to drive we headed out. I gave the dog her meds and his treat then told them to be good while I was gone. I took little red and he drove the white truck as we had to drop the red one off for her major go over next week on the way. It was about six fifteen in the for crying out loud morning. I had the "I been up too long" sweaties coming on and was goofy from being too tired. I remembered to put the note for the mechanics in the the truck and jumped into the white truck with Jones.

Well, jumped may be too agile a term. It was drizzling out and I had the luggage on my lap and under my arm. It was more like I crammed myself into the seat of the white truck. I tried to keep talking to help my driver stay awake. I had my water but left the coffee in the other truck, darn it. We went for the freeway and flew toward my date with the planes.

As we arrived my friend told me everything would be covered and to not worry. That is was time for Val to have some fun and not come home without it. We pulled up to the doors and I gave him an awkard half hug over my bags, I crawled out, set up the luggage and called a farewell as I locked and closed the door. He honked good by, I waved and watched my last link with home drive off in the predawn dusk. I was on my own again.

I found my airline alright and got directions to my gate. The boarding passes were pronounced fine and I went off to face the security gate. It was a long walk. Everywhere was a long walk. I got miles of exercise Saturday.

I expected things to be crazy but there was NO ONE there. Just four inspectors, one of whom was female. I had to open the bags, put the laptop in a tray, set the shoes and my travel id bag on the conveyor belt then go through the detector. I had warned them about the hip. I set the alarm off. Then I went with the nice girl and got the wand run over my body. First she sat me down and did legs and feet, then I stood and she did the rest of me. I passed.

I got my sandles back, picked up my bag, repacked the laptop and closed up all the zippers. I was done. It was only seven forty five. I had an hour and a half to kill before I boarded. I wandered off and found the gate on the ticket then went back and got a coffee and a roll at a bandit stand. I read my book and then went back to wait.

It occurred strange to me that they had all these big windows and great views of the plane area then set up all the chairs so you couldn't see out them. Very awkward and annoying. I took a window seat and started dozing off. I would jerk awake, check the clock and fall out again. Finally, at fifteen minutes to my flight I went to ask someone why the plane was not there. They changed the gate! ACK!

I raced down the way to the new area to become the last one in line for boarding. Finding my seat was easy, I had checked the seat map and was aware of where I had to go. Once I sat down, one row behind first class and the middle seat of three, and after putting the luggage overhead, I made enough small talk to feel comfortable with my row buddies. Jason, on the window, was headed for Phoenix and had been ill. He really wanted to get home and go to bed. On my left was the forgetable seat mate, and I have forgotten them already. Then I settled back and waited for my favorite part - take off.

I love the feel of the speed as the plane hot rods down the runway, gains more speed and then you feel that first lift, you leave the ground and it's all uphill from there.

I got to look past the boy in the window seat to see the clouds building mountains and vallys below us. Then the body shut down. I slept until my ears popped for the landing.

The next stop was Minneapolis and the airport is way big. I have to say I love the slide walks but as I wasn't sure the last one would go to my gate I walked it. I was getting sore and achy from walking so far in my "off level" sandels but I got there. There was no time for lally gagging, they only made us wait about ten minutes before they started loading.

I was in the middle of the plane and the middle seat this time. I had Zeke, young boy in the window seat, and Dannie, a younger girl on the asile seat. Zeke slept. Dannie and I had a nice time getting accquainted. She was a very interesting and thoughtful conversation companion. I really enjoyed her.

When we left Minneapolis is when the clouds were so spectacular. There were gray rivers and mountains and canyons of all shades of white and gray. I kept sneaking peeks past Zeke and describing them to Dannie. We got our free beverages and trail mix, I bought a snack box. I had to. The smoke monster was strong in me. I was losing contact with the force and going over to the dark side. The snacks helped get me through another hour.

Then Dannie dropped off to sleep and it really got bad. I rang for a stew. She was a big, pretty red head with her vivid hair done in a "Katherine Hepburn" roll back style in front and long in back. Lovely girl. Not very helpful, however, since she had to tell me they had no nicotine gum available. Oh geeze!

So I leaned my seat back and tried to sleep. I succeeded and survived. I came awake crying out as my ears would NOT pop on the descent. They HURT! We got down and I disembarked, keeping Dannie in front of me and letting her mom know I had her covered. We finally got out, she went off with her family and I went off to see if I would know my friend, 2Tall anymore.

People can't meet you at the gates anymore, they have to wait by the luggage carousol. I was on a second level and it was all glass walls. As I lugged the luggage I watched and did spot him watching for me below. I waved and he saw me so I trotted along, at peace, knowing my friend was there to help me meet this new state and help me with the new rules and ways of doing things I would have to learn. It was one-ish here in the Golden State. I had landed.

Comments: 4 Comments:
At 21/8/06 10:23 AM, Blogger dan said...

Oooh, a stop in Minneapolis. I know that place. :)

I hope you're having a great vacation and time away Val. Enjoy it for what it is; and know that home is there when you need it.

Vacation is the best.

At 21/8/06 3:44 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

They seem to like to change the gates -- and to not really tell anybody about it.

At 21/8/06 5:23 PM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I've been wondering what air travel is like now. It makes me glad that I have nowhere to go, to be honest with you. :P

At 22/8/06 1:19 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

A lot of people have said that, Saur, they are staying away in droves.

I wish I had time to visit while I was there, Dan, but it took me every minute to get clear to the other side and on my next flight

THank YoU ANVIL! I knew it wasn't just me!


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