
There'll be a hot time in the old town tonight

Now, let's see, where was I?

Oh ya! Friday. That's a long time ago. Let's go back further, I have some confessing to do.

About a month ago I got an email with an offer to buy a domain name I own. I have had many offers for that particular domain and just typed my usual "This domain is not for sale" and hit send. It was only note worthy in that it was for a larger sum than the usual offers. I really didn't want to go to the effort of moving all my sites again and I thought I was getting by fairly well.

A week later I received a second email from the same person and the offer had been doubled. I didn't reply, I didn't delete it and I did give it some thought. So let's leave that here - thinking.

Friday I had to get to the bank and I went home first and jumped on the bike. She hadn't been out in awhile and it was such a beautiful day I would have felt criminal leaving her in the garage. I stopped and visited a friend a minute, thinking he might go for a scoot with me. His bike was down. Poor guy! He was leaving on a trip out west and the ignition went out on him. I commiserated with him awhile and then left to go hear my friend's band. About half way there my bike stalled. I copped out and headed for the house. No live entertainment for me. But it was a nice ride and I was sorry to park her.

Saturday I was trying to get myself around and mow the lawn. I had some online chores to do and got them out of the way and was almost out the door when Jones called, or I called him, I forget. This is the new nic for the man who is driving the little red truck right now. He really is a "slow walking, slow talking, long, lean, lanky" guy, lol and the nic fits.

So now, let's leave Saturday at the phone call. The second offer on the website had been rambling around the back of my head.

When I got the new furnace we went from fuel oil to propane. It was WOW to fill that tank once, $454.60 worth of WOW. That is more than double what we paid normally. The fuel oil I had left they pumped out the other day and paid me what I paid them for it, not what they are now charging for it. I almost broke even. But heat is going to be costly. Gas is wild. When I got done paying bills this month instead of having a bunch of money in the bank I was just about zeroed.

So I did some research, decided the offer was legit and contacted the person to tell them I would accept their offer. They sent an intent to deal and I signed and faxed it back.

Another break. This weekend is the Midnight ride. We have gone almost every year of the last twenty. The mate's best friend hosts us all at the cabin. He didn't tell me he would rather not have our first meeting since losing the mate be in front of all our friends and that it would be hard to have me there. I knew that. Everything I have tried to do this year that we "always" did as gone sour on me. This, even with all my friends there, would probably not be an exception. But I wanted to go, badly. But he hasn't come to fix my bike and it is not running well. Crap.

It happens that the person I am dealing with wants to do business in person. Next week Monday. I have to fly out this weekend to be there. I have vacation available. Now I needed dog and house sitters. The grands and friends are all going back to school that week. My sis is helping her Cboy2 build a house. My Mom has gone to Florida. Whoops! and Darn! And still no confirmation on the flight that the purchaser is covering. I hope. If this is not a pipe dream.

I get dizzy just trying to tell this so I hope you are all still following along ok. We are going back to the Saturday phone call. I have tried to be a friend to this man that was tossed in my path. If you think I am nuts because I say "God told me to", oh well. We have talked about once a week and I have been to dinner with him twice. He's a nice guy in a heck of a mess.

I still wanted to go hear the band that night. I asked him if he would like to join me and he accepted. Then the little "ding" went off in my head and I explained my problem with the animals. I asked him, if I left him the gas and grocery money I would have left the nephew, if he would stay at the house with the critters. He said he would!

Oh wow, again. I hadn't thought of that and it was such a nice way for things to work out! He gets some space from the situation he is in, I get someone I trust to watch the place and the animal aready like him. I CAN go!

Break again. Guess where the person does business and wants me to go? You will never guess! San Diego! Like, twelve miles from my friend 2Tall Terry and his wonderful boxes! With a week off and a paid round trip ticket! ACK! Do you believe THAT?

Is this or is this not a convoluted, multiple person, amazing blessing? I won't be going on the Midnight Ride but I will be busy with other friends and not hurting the ones here and I can't feel badly that I can't go because I will be on the coast.

I have so needed to get a break from here but the money was too tight and I worry about the animals and the house - Not now!

I have been doing the math on getting by on one check and seeing it get thinner and thinner - Not.

I have a friend who was just told he can no longer work and needs a heart transplant. He is so broke and I couldn't help - NOT!

My amp that runs the electric guitar and my mics has a short I thought I would have to live with - NOT.

OH - Teeth and glasses OH goody!

I couldn't finish getting the house done inside - NOT!

I haven't been able to help Jones the way I felt it should be done - NOT!

I needed to get both trucks in for winter tune-ups, oil changes, a muffler and brakes for little red and a topper for the white one, the neighbor kids were using mine for target practice, then tires for both and insurance is coming due...NO PROBLEM!

I may be broke again by the first of the year but I will worry about that then. For right now I can only count my many and almost unbelievable blessings.

Then - back at Saturday night - we went to hear the band. We had a fast food dinner and a few drinks at the bar. Jones asked me to dance. I probably haven't danced since 1989 at a friend's wedding except for one slow dance recently. I did ok for an old chunky lady with a bad hip. He stayed over in the spare room and Sunday, after we had omlettes (he made) and coffee (I made), he helped me with the yard until he had to leave and meet some visiting family.

I blew out the drive way that night to get all the grass clippings and dirt off it, it's probably what set my allergies off. Monday I woke with a nasty sinus headache so I called in sick. The medicine finally kicked in after a nap of about 3 hours and I went to watch the footings poured for the nephew's new home. The wonderful cousins that did my basement and garage were doing it and I mostly went to visit with them. It was fun and I had never seen it done before so it was educational. I was feeling a little guilty about the kindness they showed me doing my place and I bought the whole crew lunch.

While I was in town I got keys and strings for the little guitar, too. Only they were the wrong kind of keys. It calls for a do-over, darn it. I stopped by the man's place that was going to replace them for me and he was pretty negative about them so I will get different ones.

Tuesday at work I told the boss the whole thing and got my week off and some slack in this week and the week following for file moving. I studied up on what I can and can't take with me and I am getting it all on board with me. I am not taking much, just the computer and the clothes on my back. I will get what I need there and leave most of it behind rather than deal with the restrictions on travel right now.

I feel like I got hit hard by the Fairy Godmother! There will be a party when I get back! OH yes, there will! I just wish the mate were here to share it all with me.

Comments: 7 Comments:
At 17/8/06 9:31 PM, Blogger Jezzy said...

Excellent! Time away! That'll be fantastic!

At 18/8/06 9:24 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I am SO up for this! I just want to leave it all behind for a while and see what shakes loose when it's just me against the world.

Well, ok, me and 2Tall and his girl and 14 cats. LOL!

At 18/8/06 9:30 AM, Blogger Kira said...

OH YES! This is great how it all just worked out! I think the biggest miracle is always finding somebody who can take care of the animals while gone that you can trust. Then you have no worries and you can really enjoy your time. I love it when things work out like this...like with my job situation. My old school screwed me over and I lost the job (note: they did even worse to my good friend Chuck! Something wierd is going on at that school...). I thought I would have problems paying bills, etc. And now I have a better job! Then there you are with your huge lists of concerns, and not only are they all taken care of, but you get a fun trip out of it all too. I'm so happy for you!

At 18/8/06 10:31 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Thanks so Kira! I know you are. Just wish I could cram everyone into my luggage and take you all with me.

Instead, I will take my beloved laptop and try to find time to keep you all posted.

At 18/8/06 7:14 PM, Blogger Annake said...

Hey, that's great!!! Sounds like things are taking a turn for the better. And there's nothing like getting away. :-D

At 18/8/06 8:33 PM, Blogger Cyrus said...

Are we all invited to the party when you get back?

At 19/8/06 2:56 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

hey Ananke! I really have wanted some space to not worry about the house and dogs and kids and bills and such. It's such a big blessing.

I have felt like summer was passing me by and heading right for winter again - and that was ok by me - but it shouldn't be.

And Cyrus, any time it's too muggy there for you come on up. You are always welcome here.


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