
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you

Well, not the car, but the Mom. Poor Lady! She got her car back and today took off for the Big City to get her fancy shoes for her feet. All was well and then it quit on her on the way home. Different car, same story but not so close to home. She ended up with her car at an untried repair shop reccommended by the tow driver who, we find out later, owns the place. LOL! All I have to say is he better be right and they will do a great job at a fair price or I will REALLY be calling names here!

So, about twenty minutes before time to leave I get the call to run rescue again. No sweat. I finish the last customer request, shut it down and get out the door right on time. It's about thirty minutes to the place and it's not one I know so I am poking along with my blinker on at rush hour, ticking off eight cars and at least one blogger, I bet! Found it, got there, got the Mom, head for the house, get ten miles out or so, stop for gas, get a fresh jug of water, ready to roll on again and, bless her heart, the Mom says she left her wallet at the repair shop.

WELL! That put a hole in my balloon! But I have had to retrace my steps so many times for things I sat down for 'just a sec' that I don't even sigh. I just ask if she has their number because the tow guy can meet us there. She does, she called before she told me, LOL!

BACK we go. The nice men are sitting there with the wallet on the counter. I thank them nicely and haul it back to the truck with me, hand it to the Mom and laugh because I just remembered they invented a thing that beeps when the two halves get too far apart, like for your laptop or keys.....or WALLET! I told her I was getting her one when I explained why I was laughing.

I finally got her home and then got me home. The house is cleaner all the time. I let the dogs and cats in, fed us all, read a little of my book then went out and tried to bury the crab grass in the garden with the roto tiller. It worked, sort of. But it looked SO good a couple weeks ago and it looks so sorry now. I just hate it. Wait till I get the B1son back here! He's gonna be pulling weeds and transplanting strawberries for a week! He's the one that mowed with the vent toward the garden right after uncle and I got it all sweet and hand pulled one day.

Grew a brain today. I have been letting the neighbors use my mower. Silly me. I asked them yesterday if they would mow my lawn for using the mower. Yes! So I go get more gas tomorrow and, after I run the edges of everything the way I want it, I just cut the neighbor loose and haul ice tea! Now that's how you mow the lawn, LOL!

So Mom has no car again but I got the be the hero. The mate would have picked her up on the bike just to one up me and get extra brownie points but HA! this time I get them!

Weekend, no plans but was hoping to go north. Waiting, along with the rest of you, to see what it brings. Enjoy yours and love the one you're with!

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 6/8/06 1:11 PM, Blogger Fred said...

I hope the weekend has provided you with some excitement. Mine has been great so far; I've done more than I usually do. Now, I'm in the chair blogging and watching sports. Ahhh...

At 6/8/06 2:04 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Go Tigers! LOL Fred.

I left with Rebel and am visiting her and Rustrider.

Not bad at all!


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