
Although a tear may be ever so near

Every other Thursday is bad, the mate is supposed to show up to take the money to the bank. Now I have to get out early and run two towns over to make the deposit. Wednesday's are no good now, that's the day of the week he died and I still have trouble with it. It used to be Happy Friday when I got home because the weekend began and now it's "what will I do but clean house?" Friday. I am running out of days for "good" days... it's still 4 to 3 but when you split the good days into only functioning properly a half day then it's 2-5 and I am back to having only two good days a week...Tuesday and Sunday.

Yesterday was 18 years since we burned out in The Swamp. It is also one of our best friend's birthday's and his son's, too. I spent the day trying to call and wish them HB but they were gone all day. I was bummed. I hope they had a decent bday. And I thought about the fire...

The fire taught us a lot about what is and is not important to us. It's part of why we were more likely to be out riding than mowing the lawn on a weekend. You are only here for a little while and stuff just burns up. Do it while you can, with "do it" being a wide variety of things, see the kids, visit the folks, go riding with friends, make love, party, and go fishing then neck in the bushes with the mate. What ever spreads the love or makes your love burn true, do it now.

It was not an easy day for me. I don't really know why. Thursday I had dug up the third of my five friends I am looking for. She and I met when she got off work and we went for munchies and coffee to a small bar where we sat and talked a few hours. We got mostly caught up enough to feel good about the visit and not enough to not meet soon and do it some more.

It felt good to talk to someone who understands me and the depths of me. To say a simple phrase like, "I'm not doing so well today." and have her KNOW it was the understatement of the month but was still all I could say about it without falling apart. While I knew she didn't care if I fell apart, we were in public, I don't do public freak outs very often.

The third friend is opting to wait longer for getting reaccquainted because they are busy in their own life right now. That is cool by me. If it's not fun for everyone then you don't do it. I can wait for them to have the correct time in their life for old friends.

But Friday after work I could hardly drive home. And if there had been no message on the machine I would have tried to call someone but would not have known who to try. I returned the call to a friend that I will be selling the trailer back to that went behind the bike. We talked for three hours, he and I and his wife, my friend, also.

When we were done I was better - or could at least breath again and the swelling in my eyes had gone down enough I could read. I made something to eat, fed the animals and got around for bed. Then I gave a call to a friend in the south and he talked to me for awhile. I finally gave up and went to bed about midnight.

I can't explain how suddenly the "wrong" routine or the doing of a chore the mate would usually do can set you off. You go from putzing around and getting things done to full "omg this is too much to ask of me" grieving in under a split second. I was ready to crawl into a bottle and never come out again Friday night.

This morning the mate's eldest called me around eight am....this is bad but crap happens. She grabbed some rolls and came out to spend the day. We talked, sorted stuff, fixed the phones, watched a movie and then she went home, bearing gifts for her, the sis and the grands. We cried a little while she was here and I gave her a hug, too. But then we go on.

I feel like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Sometimes I function fine, some times I keep moving but not well and sometimes I just come to a screeching halt and fall apart. It would be ok but you never know from one sentence to the next what is going to happen. How you will react. If you will be ok or not. I was seriously considering getting with the doc and getting some happy pills.

But I don't WANT to be happy! I'm sad and I want to feel it. When I was happy I felt it, when I was in love, I felt it. This is the normal end of that time in my life and I will have all the sad feelings that reflect the love my mate and I had together. It is part of loving. Saying good bye, letting go, dealing with changes are part of all the things we do with others in our life.

I don't think it is time for me to be "happy" again. It will come. I just feel like I have to let these feelings into my life, also, to experience all of our love for each other. And I want it ALL.

No one ever said it would always be easy or promised me a rose garden. All he said was he would always love me. I still believe that. I will always believe that. I have to.

As the days go by, each one taking me further from the days with the mate I find it is a truth - he is not here but I still love him. It is not just the words, "I still love my mate", it is the soul of me still loving the spirit of him. I may find others to love as I travel alone here but I will never not love the mate.

That is not a desperate screech of denial, it is a simple statement of something that becomes more true every day for me. I don't wake up "not in love anymore", I just wake up with out the body of the mate in bed beside me. The love is staying in my heart.

I give up, you figure it out. I even confused me with that one.

Comments: 10 Comments:
At 19/3/06 10:31 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I think that you are right to want to feel it all. Emotion is an essential part of humanity.

At 19/3/06 10:54 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Your ability to cope with this in such a healthy way, with such honesty and allowing the range of feelings is so remarkable. So many people just hide and bury things and become so sick physically and emotionally down the road.
My thoughts and prayers remain with you. Your resilience amazes me.

At 19/3/06 12:59 PM, Blogger Annake said...

Oh, how many times have I wanted to cry but couldn't because I was in public. We are much alike in that respect. I think it's good that you want to feel the emotions you have instead of suppressing them with medication. I'll keep you in my prayers. {{{HUGS}}}}

At 19/3/06 11:04 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I don't think, Anvil, that I could not be sad right now anymore than I could not love the mate.

and Julie, I don't know how healthy the way I am dealing is because no one talks about it. That's why I keep posting the days. Maybe someone will know they are not crazy from reading here.

I have literally doubted my sanity many times since he's gone. I just keep hoping it's grief or if they lock me up that they have a pottery wheel and clay for me to play with.

Actually, Ananke, I have lost it in public, but I never want to . Something as stupid as the bank teller giving me my pay in small bills instead of the large ones I asked for will start me crying.

When the mate came for the money I broke the last hundred and change for us to get our pocket money out of, now it all goes in the bank. When she didn't do it like I wanted, all big bills, I just cut lose on her, great big tears because I had no one to split the money with. I hate it but it happens.

General note. When I have something to talk about with someone that may cause emotional problems (or a temper tantrum) I often meet them for dinner because they are not as likely to blow all the way up...LOL.

Thanks for hanging with me guys. My network is getting back to their regular lives and I am feeling pretty pitiful this weekend.

Hugs to you all.

At 20/3/06 11:42 AM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

You are still going through the normal mourning process. Hang in there, and allow yourself to simply 'be'.

At 20/3/06 2:54 PM, Blogger dan said...

The love should stay in your heart.

Love doesn't die. There's an infinite supply of it.

There's nothing wrong with loving someone who deserves it. You're just fine.

At 20/3/06 5:25 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

There is no rule that says who deserves to be loved, Dan. We are all loved the way we are.

A point I have trouble getting you to understand.

I never "deserved" to be loved by the mate. I WAS loved by the mate, just the way I am.

And I ain't always very lovable!

You are loved. As you are.

At 20/3/06 11:07 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Saur, Hanging, LOL, only way to go.

At 21/3/06 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Val, I know that you think that you are not handling this well, but, believe it or not, you are amazing! A year after Brother died I wrote a letter which I kept a copy of...I was finally getting to the place where I could function again...where I could clean a room or fix dinner...our house would have fallen down around our head if it had been left to me to handle it. You are coping...even if it's not with your usual flare...you are doing what needs to be done...you are getting through the toughest days of your life with flying colors. (I would have said that it would make you a stronger woman...but since I don't see how that is possible...and I'm not sure if we could handle it if you were...we won't add that part!) {Grin} Just know that you are not crazy, that everything that you are going through (even the crying at the bank) is normal. I love you and am keeping you in my prayers!

At 21/3/06 1:21 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hey Reb, thanks for dropping in, I know you and Rusty are busy.Thanks for the encouraging words, too. I needed them.

I guess that is part of what is bothering me, I am so NEEDY! And that is not like me.

I never needed anything I couldn't get right here from the mate. He really did give me everything I needed to be happy, even someone to bitch at now and then.

Now I can't get anything here except distracted by chores and the animals.

Still, I have needs - for comfort, companionship, laughter, hugs and more - that are making me crazy because I don't want to need anyone but him. And not only is he not here but there is no one else I feel right turning to in this situation.

I don't have any big, strong, sensitive, single male friends on tap for this one, the mate didn't like me to cultivate those kinds of friendships...LOL

So I just sit here and miss him and the comfort of him and try to remember how good it felt to run to him when I hurt because he would always try to make me feel better. He could always make me smile, even when I lost dad.

Pity party in full progress here...Go read the next blog, it's got to be better....


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