
I got the music in me

I'm just having some fun. I went to the Saturday jam last week and caught up with everyone then went to the Friday open mic and had a good time this weekend. It topped off figuring out I can direct record from a small board to my computer and have it sound very clean - like studio quality...Now if I was just a studio quality guitiar player!

It was so cool!!! Now I can work up my originals and save the tracks so when my friends stop over, who can REALLY play, I can add bass or lead tracks to my stuff with them. I can record their originals, too and give them demo CD's for getting gigs.

Way too much fun coming soon.

Easy is still here but will be moving upstairs. I don't heat it so he's been on the couch for a long time. He's staying on as a renter but I expect him to move closer to his work place soon.

I went for coffee with a guy I met on craigslist. We will be doing more come summer but I have to say THAT one isn't going beyond friends. He didn't care about the age gap but when it goes over ten years, I do. I'm not the mama. But he's a nice guy so we will probably log some riding time this summer on the motorcycles. He's not from around here and I will try to meet him up with some of the other riders in the area.

I didn't do Easter this year beyond adding to the grands celebration. I'm making dinner for the kids today. I have to go there to cook it, I just realized I don't have a roaster any more. It seemed silly for one human that hardly eats meat to own one so I gave it where it was more needed. I'll have to use plan B. The big cake pan with a foil lid should do it.

Crap, that was what I was gonna cook the scalloped potatoes in....Well - I can use the other cake pan for those I think. It's just gonna be thin layers.

Gotta report to Marvin this am so I'm outta here. Ya'll have a great day and if you have a mate, give them a hug and a kiss for me.

I'm in dire need of a real kiss and a real hug...I even dreamed the mate gave me one the night before last. I gotta find a partner.

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 18/4/09 8:55 AM, Blogger Fred said...

You're becoming quite the music producer. Don't forget us little guys when you make it big.

Glad you;re meeting people and making new friends. Life for you sounds very busy at the moment!

At 18/4/09 10:39 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

After Susan Boyle, I'm just keeping my head down for awhile.

It's totally awesome!


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