
Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone

Just to let all the family and friends that read here that - yes, turning off the net at the house is a cost cutting of a sort but - No, I am not in dire straights.

With rememebering this is a laptop I can do file uploads every other week from free wireless and I can check the other email at work. I won't be out of touch except probably on weekends.

I just am looking for ways to lessen the things that I don't need to really do right now and get on the net at night after staring at it all day for customers and shipping is one that I can give up easily - I think.

I can always get it back if I need it later. I just didn't want anyone to think the world was ending because I cut off the net at the house.

I might even get the laundry done instead of building web pages!

So don't panic, I'm fine. The phone is freed up, too. Give me a call!

Comments: 7 Comments:
At 17/8/07 9:17 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I think about it from time to time too. So far, I have thought better of it. :)

At 18/8/07 12:58 PM, Blogger Lois Lane said...

I'm sorry you have to cut back at all. Seems like since the cost of fuel and energy in the home has gone up, we've had to cutback a lot too. I hope you are doing well.

At 18/8/07 11:43 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

It's more to free me up than the money. We have ten dollar a month dial up available. I just don't really need it right now. I am not doing Ebay and I am slowed down on web sites.

Wireless is free around here and faster and I can get there if I need it.

No sweat, honest. Just a test to see what happens.

At 22/8/07 5:18 PM, Blogger Cyrus said...

I've been staying away from the computer as much as possible at home and doing lots of "real life" stuff...trying to fit my blog-reading in at work!

At 22/8/07 7:10 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

LOL Cyrus! Confession is good for the soul but I'm not putting it in writing!

At 23/8/07 1:17 PM, Blogger dan said...


Wow! I think it's a great idea. Why do for $$ what you can do for free? You'll definitely have to keep us apprised of results...

At 24/8/07 9:21 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hey Dan! Good to hear from you again!

Will be taking notes.


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