You get by with a little help from your friends
Just a note....
I was watching my stats for several new readers the last couple weeks, two people must have had cable hook ups and forgot what they were doing because one had me on for 17 hours and one for 12...or they were reading to catch up
Who is reading me from: Columbia, MO..did they know me when I lived there in the 80's? Do they ever hear John D'Augustino play piano and do John Prine or other jazz and blues?
SanDiego, CA...The last place I knew my too tall friend was living? Is it my too tall friend from Stanton?
Bryan, OH...who comes all the time and reads here?
Several places in they know me from when I worked at the Rocky Raccoon? Is it my friends, Blue and Bunkie? Do they just read the blog?
And if I get 25- 80 visitors a day why are there only 2 - 9 comments? Cat got your tongue? Mouse got your fingers? Even if you only say, "Hi, I was here today, I know you from or I never knew you but I like your blog." I am tickled to hear from you and will check out your blogs and comment. So don't be shy, say Hi!
I had one anonymous poster back a while ago who is a single male raising a daughter. I would like to get in touch with him but I can't remember if he posted here or on the other blog. Who ever he was, he sounded so sad and lonely I would like to encourage him to keep in touch with his friends and family as well as me. We care.
So the question I have is what brought you here? The second one is why do you keep reading?I know the topic here is depressing and has been for the last 38 days. I hope to be able to lighten up and this post is one attempt at that. So is this photo of my friend, Moo.
Anyone that posts a reply to either question will get a visit from me to their blog and a comment left for them there. I will also reply to questions you ask me, if you have any.
If you are not a blogger leave a note with an email address and I will reply to your post.
I never have much luck with these "Tell me" posts but I thought I would try again.
The Rocky Raccoon restaurant that I knew was a somewhat derelict in a little hamlet and had horrendous prices all things considered.
Why come back? Why not, eh?
Heck that was me. I had logged in as Granny to help with her template problem. :)
I followed you here from doc-t's blog...and then became hooked reading your posts. Why? You rang a bell, I felt connected, I felt your pain...
You are bookmarked in my computer now (have been for several days actually).
I know that you will make it through this, I believe it.
Grief is a love word...
and the depth of your grief is a reflection of the depth of your love. You 2 were way out in the middle of the ocean!!! And, I think that those who have passed--while we can not reach them, they are not as far from us as it feels.
I have to wonder at times, with the way people respond to you, myself included, if we are not led here in some way, to encourage you.
There is no other good explaination as to how I found you.
Bless you!
-Cora :)
Aurora, was a burb of Denver. The place was a bar with food, specialty was green chili burritos. Prices weren't that bad, if you weren't an airman...
All the help entertained except one bartender and we taught him how to play gutiar. His voice was a medium tenor and we did well singing but were not as funny as the owners.
and anvil - next time you are incognito, skip the "eh?", eh?
Mayden I found you somewhere in a comment page and what you wrote was so close to what I wanted to say I had to look you up. Then I commented on Doc-t's, too.
I was struck with how much we think alike. I have written the phrase about grief being the measure of your love on this blog somewhere, you will see yourself here.
Thank you for coming back, not just to encourage but to become my friend.
So sweet...thank you for being so kind...dagnabbit, you made me cry again! :)
Definitely friends...
-Cora :)
Hi Val,
It’s funny you should ask…see, just a few days ago, a friend was asking me what I get out of blogging. In his mind, blogging is just an exercise in narcissism. I told him how I entered the blogging world at the insistence of my friend, A*, and how I too thought publicly posting thoughts and opinions was a little silly and self-important. And then, I started “getting to know” a few people by lurking around. As time went on, I found some really remarkable places to visit daily, including yours, where I could hear an intelligent and friendly voice coming through the words. So, I guess, to answer you questions…I think I came here via Moo a while back. I kept coming back because you have an amazing ability to articulate your heart and soul through writing. I’m sad that you and the mate have been separated for the time being and I’m sad for the hurt that your heart is bearing. But, Val, your little spot in the blogoverse hasn’t ever been, and isn’t depressing. If anything, you’ve inspired me by sharing your experience with such strength and dignity and self-awareness. To me, it’s just really cool that through this medium, a woman in rural Michigan who likes John Prine and riding motorcycles can share her life and wisdom with a gay guy in downtown Miami who’s into electronic music and rollerblading.
Oh, and by the way, I think one of those marathon sessions you detected on your site meter was me...when I came home from work, your page was still up from the morning.
I found you , cyrus, because you posted my Moo Puppets...LOL. I sent a link to your page to my mate because I knew he, like me, would love the homeland security picture.
I stayed because I read back to your history and through your drug series and saw a kindred spirit there.
And I just hated the hurricane post and the pain in your losing a lover posts.
I am glad you are back with us.
Hm, I'm not from any of the places you mentioned, but I'm guilty of looking and not commenting. I'm a naughty girl. Actually, I'm usually checking your blog at work (at times when I'm supposed to be working; smack me on the hand),and I have to be quick because I have a tattletale working in the cube behind me who'd love to tell the boss I'm goofing around on the internet instead of working. I'm waiting for that day to come so that I can remind her of all the times I went to her desk and caught her playing Minesweeper. Yeah, hard at work, wasn't she? So I have to comment either during my lunch or when I get home. Or when she's away from her desk, mwhahahaha! ;-)
Hello - I'm one of your readers from Colorado. I think I found you after one of your comments on my site - and I've read ever since. Why do I keep coming back? Because I am inspired by your strength and courage. And I've drawn on your near death experience so many times since I read that post.
How can you check these things on your blog? I have only found the info on how many people have viewed my blog. I would love to know what you know :)
Hey Ananke, lurk all you want, I don't post everytime I am at someone's blog, just when I feel I can add something.
and Jill, you and your mate are in love and I was always looking for more people happy in their love like the mate and I were. Too many are lonely and lost out there or living in misery.
I hope the NDE comforts many people. I believe it myself and find some comfort from it but I still feel like I can't grasp the reality of it.
I hope to "get it" one day before I go there, too. If I do I will share it.
This is the real granny speaking. I was so confused when I read that first comment.
I'm not sure if we've met on line but I'm so sorry about your husband. Just read Anvilcloud's post which brought me here. I'll be back.
Mine died 18 years ago, I've moved on and remarried, but there's still a twinge sometimes. I could identify with your feelings I think.
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