
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum

Now that one is a little out there for you youngsters, so I linked it.

While I was busy playing house dominos (later, guys) the mate was trying to set the land speed record for motorcycle delivery service. He boogied down there in 14 hours. By the time he hit the motel bed he was probably counting exit signs behind his eyes.

On the way back the CB paged the little truck with michigan plates. He answered. This is pretty rare, he usually just listens for bear reports. There was a guy trying to get to a little town on his way home who had hitched a ride with the big truck behind him but the big truck was headed for the house before moving on, could he get a ride?

It was a day for rare occurences, the mate met them at a truck stop and said, yes, he'd take him. The guy said it took him 3 days to get from where his home used to be in MS to the top of AK. He said he did a lot of walking.

The hitchhiker had moved to MS and was a construction worker. All he had in the world was a ziplock bag with a pair of socks and a pack of smokes, the clothes on his back and a cantalope and bunch of very green bananas a lady gave him earlier.

So we got one refugee home to his family. The mate dropped him off right where he wanted to go. Bless the mate and prayers for the hitchhikers still out there.

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 21/9/05 6:48 PM, Blogger Fred said...

The mate just earned a few brownie points. Good for him.

Another sign that there are plenty of good stories out there.

At 21/9/05 7:01 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

When I was a kid, I think I had it on a record by Yodlin' Slim Carter, or something like that.


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