That's Entertainment!
Sunday I contemplated how much we had to be thankful for and decided it was time to cut down again. I started making lists in my head and then remembered it was a holiday and the home town had a party going on.
I jumped on the bike and headed out. I got lucky and found a good parking place then wandered over to watch the Talent Show.
It was great! I saw a couple pals and I took photos of the kids. I enjoyed the music and dancing enough to make me feel really happy and balanced. I forget how much I enjoy live entertainment. When I got home I cut my fingernails so I can try the gutiar later.
The two girls, above, were perky, practiced and cute. All great things for little entertainers to be. They did a fine job with only one glitch and got a good round of applause.
The cowgirls made the finals but had performed before I got there, they were just cute. I had to have a picture.
We did this on a float for the GM dealer my Dad worked for when we were little. There motto at the time was, "GM, the men in the white hats" so we were white hatted little cowgirls. In my opinion this boy was the bravest of them all. First, his music wouldn't work with the PA equipment. Then they made a point of saying, over the microphone, that you should check that out before the show. Then he had to wait till almost last while someone ran and redid his tune. After all that he still got up there, smiled and then did a tap routine to "Thank God I'm a County Boy!" and did it well! It's hard enough to be a boy who dances without all the rest of it. I was glad to see he made it to the finals. I took 3 shots of him trying to get a good one. I burned a whole load of batteries and a full card of photos and did get a few nice shots.
It was several hours till dark and I took off to visit a friend. I don't see Jay very often but she is one of my favorite people. Her boy is doing well in college and her nephew was out working in the garage changing out a transmission. She made him a burger while we caught up with each other. It was a nice visit.
I left just as it started to get dark to get a parking spot for the fireworks. It was the 100th Labor Day celebration and the fireworks were supposed to be tremendous this year. I ended up clear in the back, trapped by cars and the yellow tape that marked off the launch area.
I shrugged and was going to shut down, even though I was right behind a car and right in front of a set of bleachers. Then I decided to slightly relocate the bike and accidentally rolled the front wheel off the pavement...shoot. My reverse isn't so good.
This skinny kid comes walking up saying loudly, "Hey! You can't park there! You're blocking my car! You have to move!" I looked at him and hollered, "Get over here and give me some reverse before I slap you silly!" You should have seen the faces on the people in the stand! LOL! I love doing that to people!
In a regular voice my nephew, J, said, "You need help backing up really?" I told him yes and he gave her a shove and got me back on the pavement. I squared her up behind his car and got off. I followed him back to where he and his wife, K, were sitting with the grand nephew, Ace. We visited and killed time while the dark rose up and the dipper came out. The first firework went off right on time.
I decided by about the 3rd one that I was too close and not having any fun because the mate had decided to stay home. So I ticked off half the town and most of my relatives by cranking up the bike and driving out, headed for the house hollering, "Sorry, excuse me, sorry!" all the way out of the parking lot. Come to find out I had gone right by the Mom and several others. *shrug* Headed home again!
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