

We had a good weekend with great weather, for a change, and took full advantage of it. Saturday morning during the wake up coffee and bird watching the mate said, "Let's go north."

We had not gone on a long ride together yet this year and I was up for it. My bike needed the miles. There was a little debate on which way to go, what vehicles to take, the weather and such but we ended up going on both bikes.

The day was cool and cloudy. The weather map showed it blowing away but the map must have been stuck in yesterday's loop; we saw one tiny patch of blue sky and that was it all day. We stopped at the flea market so I could look for sunglasses. I hadn't been there in a year or two. A little further down the road we put good gas in the bikes and scooted about another 12 miles to find breakfast.

The place we ate is just a little joint in the middle of nowhere but has great service and good food. We had just walked in the door when a man in the first booth asked me what year my Gold Wing was. He looked really interested and we chatted for a few minutes. I told him for a grand I would run home and get the title. The wife was with him and it was no sale but he walked around it twice before he left. It was flattering!

Mate and I got back on the road. We were about a mile or two south of the turn to our friend's house when a black bear ran across the road in front of us! Whoa! My brain processed, large dog, no, BEAR, YOUNG bear while mate and I were slowing down. I was watching the car behind me and the mate was hollering, "It's a BEAR!" when the brain added, "Where's the mama?" to the info it was presenting to me. We were almost to where it had gone across and mate was rubbernecking to see where it went when I called, "Where's the MaMa? Let's GO!" and picked up the tempo. I sure didn't want to be stopped in the road when she came runnning after her wandering child! Now THAT was worth the ride!

Last year in the UP we got to watch a silly younger moose browsing in the bushes on the side of the road. While we were sitting there enjoying the rush people were pulling over and getting the cameras out and such. One boy about 12 started to walk up to it like he was going to PET it! His dad snatched him back by the shirt but he'd gotten too close and the moose went on his way. We went back to camp and discussed sadly how kids only see things on TV and don't know the rules for dealing with wildlife in reality. He could have been seriously hurt, even if the moose only turned his head to look at him, by the rack that animal carried wacking him upside the head.

We left a note with #1Friends after I watered their dog. She'd knocked over her bowl. Friends#2 were expecting us and we had a nice visit with them. The yard and house had both been worked on since I was there last. Their dog that was their pup and then my dog and then their dog again greeted me with the dance of joy and it was great to see him again. The kids were in and out with their friends. It was a cozy and fun visit.

I refilled my water jug there and about lost it when I took the first sip. ACK! Ick! City water! Yuck! I had forgotten it was so nasty! We have a well with just a filter on it for the rust and heavy stuff. It tastes pretty good to me. I don't know how you guys drink that stuff everyday! And the coffee? Don't want to think about it.

The clouds were still there but we still hadn't hit any rain so we putted back the way we came and went home via "the bear road". We got gas and about 10 miles later I needed a break again. We pulled into a little gas station by the flea market and when I came out the bike wouldn't start. Battery was dead.

The mate and I hooked up the jumper cables we had along for just that reason and she rolled right over. We took off for home and turned down one of our favorite side roads only to find out a mile later that they had torn off all the black top and turned it back into a gravel road. Fast U turn! But I stalled the bike when I lost my grip on the clutch. Red face. I got the cover off while the mate got the cables out and we jumped her again. We got home just fine.

Mate left her with the trickle charger overnight Sunday and I took her to work yesterday. We pulled the headlight fuse and she charged just fine. We will get the part to fix her with soon.

Sunday, Fathers Day, was harder for me than I expected. I called the sis to talk and see how she was doing with it but she was doing barn chores. I stifled it, mostly.

I made the mate his favorite breakfast and an extra pot of coffee. #1Son called to wish him a happy father's day. He was stuck in NC with a load and couldn't get home for his first FD and was bumming about it. I felt badly for him but couldn't help. I hope he gets home this weekend and has a delayed FD for himself!

Mate's #1daughter with 2nd grandson came over bearing steaks, salads and pies. We grilled the steaks and they watched the races while we visited. It was very nice and Mate enjoyed it.

#2daughter for mate and my Eldest Daughter have yet to be heard from. One was out of town and one is having personal troubles so I don't think they will call till later.

The boss will be gone THREE whole days this week! And that's where I have to get - work.

More later.

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 21/6/05 9:03 AM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

We were walking in the country one day a few years back when a cub raced across the road. That stopped us in our tracks, but mother bear never appeared.

At 21/6/05 12:49 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Welcome back!

We never saw the mom either, glad to say.

Have also seen wild cougar in KS and the next night her cubs. Love it, but not brightest star in the sky, I whistled at her to get her attention and THEN wondered why I did that! LOL


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