
The Promised "HUH?"

I found the answer to "How do you ride a 21 speed bike?" It was EASY! Let the mate ride it! I did take it out for a spin but it's too tall and akward feeling. I can just barely do 8 blocks a night, why do I need more gears?

He is just trying to make it easier for me to ride the bicycle, I know that. He must have felt guilty for getting himself a bike so he went out and found me a 3 speed. It's really nice of him but I am afraid I will never get out of gear 1.

I have been faithfully riding some almost every day since the 15th of May. Gentle slopes still kill me and burn my thighs. I don't time myself my minutes but by little bitty Tiny blocks I can do. The record is 16 by riding the same 4 block area of almost level ground. I did that ONCE and couldn't hardly walk in the morning. I have asked before, when does it get easier?!

I have learned to change gears on the 3 speed but it sucks. I think I need a "0" gear for old ladies who have barely walked in 3 years. I will NOT be defeated but I am whining all the way to victory.

Totally forget the roller blade post I promised. If I can't carry my butt on a bike I don't stand a chance till I have more muscles in my legs to try skating again. When I can get the *&%^& things on without HELP, I will try again.

We both got out on the big bikes yesterday. He went to the ride for Veteran's that left around 9 am, meaning he left here just after 8. I went to help set up for ticket sales for the chapter at the local car show. I got there around 2 pm and it was too early so I hit the junk store, scored 3 books, one was the 3rd in the series I am reading now, yay, and then went to what should have been an air conditioned restruant and got some ice tea. It wasn't cooled and I read one of the books while I killed some time.

Got back on the bike and it started to drizzle on and off. It was more cooling than annoying. Met my people at the car show, got them started right and decided to split. They had a truck to hide in and I was getting wet on the bike so it was time to go.

Got half way home and the mate waved at me going the other way. I have been well trained. I waited for traffic to clear and pulled over to wait. He joined me as soon as it was safe. We agreed to head for the house even though the rain had again stopped.

It's nice riding with the mate. We usually ride staggered for safety reasons, he runs in front on the left and I ride behind on the right. His reflexes are quicker than mine so if his brake light goes on I have time to slow and stop, if nessacary. He sees the little critters that lurk to startle me sooner than I do, too. It means I have it almost as good as just riding on the back of his bike with the joy of riding my own.

We have been doing this for 20 years and don't need to talk about it. I know what he does when bad things look like they are going to happen and he knows what I will try to do to avoid an accident. From 20 feet back I know if he is tense, lighting a smoke, getting into his tunes or just cruising by his body language. If he's distracted, I cover his back till he's with it again.

We got home and huddled around the air conditioner for a while, got cooled off, heated each other up again, went for the brass ring and swung on it, (OPS) and went back to cool off again.

I made dinner, watched a movie with the mate and then we went for the first ride on the 21 and 3 speed bikes. I kept asking if my chain was locking up or my tires were flat. I got burn in the legs, even in 1st gear. Come to find out, the rear brake was dragging! Man, I hate that! He fixed it up for me, tonight should be easier.

I got overheated even though the rain had dropped the temp about 15 degrees so I was worthless the rest of the night.

It's too hot to play outside. The peony's are blooming and the giant hollyhock has about 8 stalks on it and promises to be my favorite red ones. I would like to walk the flowers but the heat really does me in!

Instead we cleaned house and did laundry, boring but nessesary. He ran off to sell tickets for a few hours and will be back soon, gotta get dinner on!

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 12/6/05 8:01 PM, Blogger Sascha said...

5 years ago I was SO PROUD of riding my cheap clunker mountain bike over to REI with my boyfriend and back. I was 28 years old and it was barely two miles one way, all of it flat.

We've all gotta start somewhere.

At 13/6/05 2:16 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Thank you for the encouragement.

I hope to have a better report as the temp drops. It's too hot to do much of anything outside.


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