
Live math - Division

We are so wrapped up in supporting Jewel and her family that it makes things like my 7/10's of a mile out and back (my first mile!) bike ride seem like a foolish accomplishment, not worthy of mention. (but I stuck it in anyway, I'm proud of me!)

People are not very bright sometimes. Right now is one of those times. 6,447,709,898 is the approx. number of people in the USA. First, we are divided by male and female, then by color, religion, income, politics, height, weight, scent, clothing, hair style, intelligence and on down the line.

Divided by just the 11 items I listed we are broken into little islands of people that don't communicate well with each other. Smaller groups are easier to manipulate. Different groups respond to different stimulation. No one gets the whole story because only a few lines of communication are open between us. The math here is "Divide and control".

The math isn't working for us, it's working for the polititians. This is the equation as I see it. One planet, one species. Can we work at that? We all have to share everything to make it stretch till we have enough technology to get us to the NEXT planet! My request is that we UNITE and Survive.

I wish I could do for the world what the mate and I do with the resources here. It all goes in one pile and we pay our dues, share with others and THEN we party. Not communisim but taking care of the young and old, the sick, the sad, the hungry because we can, when we have enough to share with them. Patriotic, duty, responsibility, contributing to the a better life for all people. That was what we started to do in Iraq, help them have a better life without Saddam. Now, I am not sure what we are doing and we need some goals that include getting the h... out of there.

Right now we are trying to stretch one income and one unemployment check to cover one emergency. You do what you have to do to make it work. We bought a camper this winter that we were really excited about using. It's a fancy pop up for behind the bike and really easy to set up. With my physical limits that's important. We sold it last night to a friend for less than we paid. Why? We need more money to get family to where the soldier is going to land. The Big Red Truck (98 Dodge Ram SUV 4WD on the fly, in fair body condition and GREAT running condition) hasn't sold. We expect it to go for the price we are asking come winter. Gas price or no gas price, you have to be able to get around in a Michigan winter and the Big Red Truck does it well. But we needed more cash now.

(this is NOT a begging post, we have it under control. If you want to donate to something check the links in "Isn't one too many?" )

Do we regret it? There is a little wistfulness, it was a good deal and a nice camper, we would have enjoyed it, but not a tear of regret! The soldier needs us, the brother needs us and we will have our self respect for knowing we have done everything we can to help both of them. We sleep better that way!

You see, when we are gone our soldier will remember we loved her even on her worse day and maybe some of the things we have tried to show her will help get her through her hard times. It's a kind of legacy. By taking care of our loved ones and people who need a hand we show them how to care about others. If she takes care of someone who needs help, they learn what it is like to get a helping hand. Maybe they will help someone else. And helping each other is all we have going for us.

Theoretically humans can band together for protection, hunting, farming, warmth and put aside their difference. Two prides of lions will fight, losing the best of both prides to the battle. It is their nature. We can overcome our nature to unite. Can'twe? Or are we just dying lions?

No, it's not right to let someone get away with attacking New York. Show me who did it! Bomb 'em back to the stone age! I am not a bleeding heart. I believe some people just need killing, like child molesters, rapists and serial killers. I will defend myself and my territory. I think every home owner that has nothing else to do should go to CT right now to protest private property being emenently domained to private companies! I have and know how to use guns and I won't let them take them away from us if I can avoid it. But let ME decide if I want to wear a helmet, a seat belt or if I want to die. If you are old enough to fight in a war, you are old enough to drink legally. I pretty much cover the range of confusing beliefs, I guess.

I still have to believe we can overcome what we percieve to be our differences and find the core of what we have in common - we are all humans. We breathe, we bleed, we die.

So do it now. Don't just BITCH. Little KIDS wrote and got PBS funds back in the budget. If enough ADULTS write the bigger kids will come home.

Write just one letter to Washington saying War is Wrong, bring our kids home and send diplomats. Ask one friend to write a letter and ask one friend to write a letter. Don't let them divide us by antiquated and obsolete catagories. We are one people on one planet. Let's make our leaders STOP BLOWING IT UP!

  • State Legislature – Search information from state legislatures and U.S. territories.
  • State Governors – Find e-mail, telephone and postal info for your governor by clicking on his or her website.
  • U.S. Senators – Find a list of U.S. senators and links to their websites, organized by state.
  • U.S. Representatives – Find your U.S. representative's contact information by typing in your zip code.
  • President George W. Bush – E-mail the President or Vice President; call or write the White House.This site tells you how.

Comments: 3 Comments:
At 25/6/05 9:10 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

I agree with an awful lot of what you say an awful lot of the time. Here's where I think you're wrong: "That was what we started to do in Iraq, help them have a better life without Saddam." While that may have been your intent, I don't think it was ever the government's intent. I don't think it was about 9/11, WMDs, or making life better. I think it was always a personal vendetta. Of course, I might not be right; I seldom am.

At 26/6/05 9:49 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hi Anvil, I enjoy your comments, always welcome. I did post this disclaimer earlier. "I am not only non political but politically ignorant. ...I claim no concept of the larger picture - I do, however, have an OPINION."

I really am confused by the way we vote in mostly laywers and "silver spooners" when the majority of us are "bootstrap-ers".

How do you expect a person who has never had to decide between a gallon of milk or 4 cans of soup you can make with water to understand, much less stick to a budget? They don't even believe in consquences from poor spending because someone always bailed them out if they came up short.

We have to quit living on credit. We have to make the government HEAR what is important to us.

Use the links, write a letter. It feels incredibly good to know you said your piece!

At 28/6/05 1:24 AM, Blogger thecutter said...

val, I agree with much of what you said, and with what Anvilcloud said as well.

You are right, adults have to start taking the responsibilities for all of this into their own hands. I am a strong advocate of letter writing. I assume the two of us don't have similar world views on many things, and you can see in my blog that I'm promoting a letter writing campaign for a Palestinian woman and her infant son who are languishin in an Israeli prison. She apparently moved some guns from one place to another.

I see you support the use of guns to defend one's property, and one's land and country could surely be considered as such. At any rate, if you agree with her or not, and even the judge recognised that she was not involved in any planning stage, and sentenced her nonetheless, I am trying to suggest people take an interest in writing letters to end this miscarriage of justice. It's a different kind of letter writing campaign, but I support your efforts to ask your fellow Americans to write, to do something about the war our countries are in (I am in Italy)where we have "preventively attacked" a nation that had nothing to do with 9-11 or WMDs or any of those lies.

Keep up your good work, and best of luck in the finacial situation! We're in a predicament too! But no camper to sell! Although, I see you are a Motorbike afficiando... My husband had to sell his Suzuki 750 just to pay bills, and now he's staring at an Africa Twin..... dreams can't be crushed!


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