Can't you see?
Well, sometimes we can't. But I sang that song like I rock and rolled my whole life the other night. I was doing kareoke and it worked.
See, my voice is so low I can't hit the keys of the original artists very means I just quit doing kareoke; If I don't have the guitar, I don't sing.
But I got talked into trying again and found three in a row that I didn't need the key changed on. It was like magic.
I didn't realize it's been so long since I updated here. Sometimes I don't see time flying by me. I've been building two websites, have a band that asked for help getting bookings and am playing as host to an open mic at a local bar on it's last legs financially. AND trying to have some fun. And relearning how to make raised donuts.
I'm in boogie mode and see no sign of it letting up for awhile. So if you want to see me, come on out to Pewamo -
I tried karaoke once. It was not good. I have a very low voice and should have known better.
It was like magic that I found 4 in a row that I could hit the key on! It was way fun!
If I lived closer I would certainly be rockin rollin' with ya!!! :)
Hi ICE!!
Only it's more like two stepping and slow dancing when I play...LOL!
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