
Listen to the rythym of the falling rain

More like the super percussion of the raging down pour last night. All the trees are still up and, thanks to the fence, all the downed items are still in the yard, even the shade awning. We really got the old 'rinse and a blow dry'. And at that, we only caught the edge of the worst of it. North of us really took a beating.

The furnace is all the way in, the stove hooked to the new propane tank and they both work. That's the good news. The bad news is that the water cooler is now a steam engine, just like the other one was. This morning I had hot water and got all excited, but it got hotter and hotter - it's supposed to be set at 125 degrees, I want 130 but the indicators on the thermostats are hard to read so we went for the easy mark. I know it will be off when I get home.

Rust Rider and Rebel called to try for some helpful hints this a.m., thanks!!!! They haven't worked with these new fangled double element heaters though. I need a real water heater guy, I guess. Bro2 really has done wonders and did figure out why it was a water cooler, a stuck reset button being unstuck fixed that. Now I just don't know what to try next except to dig down in my sock and pay a fixer.

The fun really was over with the gutters. Now, almost six months later, I get a bill from the EMS Ambulance service. If I had know what they charged to haul him to the hospital morgue I would have tossed him in the white truck! But they came when called and in other circumstances might have done some good. I will pay it, but GEEZE! It seems like a lot for them to tell me what I already knew and take away the body.

I am just a little cranky and ticked off today. But B1son and B2soldier landed jobs setting up today at the Ionia Free Fair and that will help them both out until they get into the service. Jobs in Michigan are more rare than gold nuggets. It means the storm mess is still waiting for me to get home and that I have to get the gutter mounts tonight before bible study.

I have to take right off for town and beat feet for the house or blow it off another night and just do reassembly on the yard furniture and such. Ya, I think I will do that. Brackets tomorrow.

So catch me later, if you can keep up!

Comments: 4 Comments:
At 19/7/06 7:48 AM, Blogger Fred said...

Another great tune to hum.

I'm not even gonna try and catch you. I'm reminded of the Tasmanian Devil from the cartoons. I think all I'd see is a trail of dust.

At 19/7/06 1:50 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

With a hearty, "Heigh ho, Silver!" ringing in your ears, Fred!

At 20/7/06 11:07 AM, Blogger dan said...

My parents still have some unresolved hospital bills from when my brother died.

What a racket!

At 20/7/06 2:30 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I don't have a problem with paying but why tell me it's over 30 days over due when it's my first notice, and five months later?



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