
Another Pleasant Valley Sunday

Weekends, you look forward to them from the minute you get to work on Monday, leaving the last one in the dust behind you. They are supposed to be family time, party time, yard and house work time or just time to relax. Sometimes they are all a weekend should be and sometimes they are more work than going to work.

I managed to do the work and the fun this weekend, mostly by proxy. The B1son, Bro2 and his wife, Bher, along with Cboy1, Cher and their boy, the nephew's family that got the freezer, all were in and out trying to get gutters hung and the water heater replaced. I mostly just tried to keep them fed and watered and iced off enough in the heat that we didn't lose anyone.

Cboy2 just showed up, I think at his brother's request and helped out both days. Between the three of them they got the gutters up there except for one side where we ran out of parts to hang them with.

Bro2 installed the new water heater, some door locks for the bedroom (for gun safety with little ones running around) and a new dead bolt on the inside back door. The old, hardwood door has two windows in it, why I put a dead bolt on it is a mystery. I guess I think it will slow down any serious intruders while the dogs come running and I manage to wake up.

Things went along pretty well but the water heater appears to be a water cooler and I am not sure what to do about that yet. The furkin thing is brand new and won't heat water. I am going to stop where I bought it and see what they suggest.

After slaving in the heat most of the day, I took the B1son swimming. We have been jogging him and bicycling me every evening for a week but you have to wait till almost dark for it to be cool enough.

Today the furnace man and fuel oil/propane guys are switching out tanks. I am running home now to cover it all.

Have a great day where ever you are!

Comments: 6 Comments:
At 17/7/06 1:48 PM, Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I love that song. I once interviewed Peter Tork of the Monkees, BTW.

At 17/7/06 3:13 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Just as long as you're keeping busy.

At 17/7/06 6:17 PM, Blogger Fred said...

I'm with Saur - I was humming the tune while reading your post.

I do hope you're going to slow down soon and relax. Maybe keeping busy helps both body and mind?

At 17/7/06 9:03 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Oh, Saur I am so jealous! But I loved Mike best!

Yes, Daddy Anvil, busy girl still here.

No slowing down in sight yet, Fred, two more gutters to get up and with tonights storm, one to tighten up, still a water cooler not a heater so I took a shower in the rain...LOL!

At 18/7/06 1:42 AM, Blogger Jezzy said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. And I agree - you look forward to them from Monday!

Take care. xx

At 18/7/06 3:50 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Hi Jezzy! It's Tuesday, almost the weekend!


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