

If you know me you will have guessed I blew off work Friday, just because I could do it with pay and have a four day weekend. I asked the boss if I really needed to work on Friday, he said, no, take it off if I wanted. Yay!

I ran for town, got smokes then spent a couple hours digging through the plants at two locations for the herb garden and the rest of the veggies I wanted. I would have been wasted at work anyway, as I was on the phone with the step sis till midnight listening to how great her day was for the first time in forever. She had gotten the job she has been working toward for 3 years, passed all the tests and physicals with flying colors and is in a secure work/home life taking care of an older man who needs assistance with his daily life. She picked up a night job to cover the part time status where she will be starting today. Go girl!

And I had to call the sis, Cee, to tell her the latest on the Mom saga. She had horrors as all the horses, where she helps a friend with her home, have come down with what they hope is a cold and what could be worse. The friend lost the most beautiful gypsy vanner filly. She was just dead for no apparent reason. It so sucks but the friend is 70 and has too many beautiful animals to care for on her income. If anyone reads this and knows someone that would like some beautiful, imported bloodlines, registered spotted draft horses, gypsy vanners, drum horses or beautiful, sweet natured shire horses, PLEASE send them the link to Aldershire Farm. She has to sell these animals when we have them healthy again, and she has no choice but to let them go cheaply. She hasn't the strenght or the money to care for all of them properly.

I was also on the phone with the mate's oldest daughter to let her know the Dad was ok and visiting her favorite aunt in KY. Found out the mates youngest was dealing with marriage issues and then had to call her and find out if she needed anything.

I got a few chores done and the bike ride in for several laps but mostly the night was spent keeping up with family.

I got up, enjoyed a lazy coffee while I read the blogs and got the email. I got around and dressed for riding the big bike. Went to the store, got the mail then I headed for town to put the payday in the bank.

It was lovely out but as soon as I crested the first hill I spotted a big line of heavy, grey rain clouds hanging right where I had to go. I thought about turning back but decided to screw it, it's just water. I took a southern route to try and get around it but still got douched for about 9 miles of the trip and dripped on for the rest of the time I was in town.

I lagged at the drive up, taking my time filling out slip and sending it up the magic tube to let more of the clouds pass. When I got the receipt there was someone behind me so I picked up the tempo a little and scooted down to the first gas station with an over hang. I put a whole 3.85 in the tank, got a cup of coffee, read the notice board and just generally stalled until there was some blue sky showing and the rain quit.

I got back on the bike and did a little tour of the old houses. The yellow house is white but the garage is still the same old mustard color it was when I was little. The church at the bottom of the hill has put up a fence which would seriously interfer with sledding. Bummer.
The white house is yellow now, too, but with aluminum siding. The church behind it must have bought the house for the pastor as the parking lot goes right up to the garage now. No yard left at all, hardly.

I went by my friend's house, the twins, hoping to find them gathered for the holiday but there was no one around. I'd like to find (oh crap, I want to post her real name so if she's wandering through blog land she might find me......ok, maiden name only) Leslie Harris. We were good friends in school, she lost her twin in a car accident years ago and I miss them both. Would love to catch up with her again.

I decided to see if another friend was in, just to let the rain get good and gone. She was and we yacked in the driveway for a few minutes. I urged her to get over to visit then looked at the sky, decided to head south as I was going to the Mom's to check the cats.

I went down and stopped at TRB Motorcycle Repairs in Saranac. There was a yard sale next door so I went through books there and got a couple, bungied them on the luggage carrier and booked for Moms. I check the stupid cats (another story) and went for the house but took the long way as the skies had cleared and I was enjoying the time on my bike.

I went by the graveyard and visited with my brother and Dad. I stopped by another friend's house and visited with him and his son came by, used to be my landlord, years ago. Caught up with what he's doing. Cruised by the pond that the DNR has destroyed again. Went past the lake I used to meet the mate at and his old home and finally went home. I got in, ate a bowl of cereal, was just going out to mow the yard and the mate pulled in the drive way.

Little sneak made it home from louieville in eight hours! I hadn't planned on him being here until three when he was supposed to find me dutifully mowing the lawn. He brought me a shell box from Florida, a FL and a GA rock, forgot the KY one.

He loved the mountain north of Chattanooga and the valley that followed so much he is setting up a ride there for his pals and going back again this summer! For you bikers out there that is 127 North and DON'T haul a trailer through there!

We spent the rest of the day unloading, eating and resting. I got nothing done. Nice! Went to bed around nine thirty, he was beat!