
annnd they're OFF

The Mate had been up since 4 and had double checked his route, got his email, had two cups of coffee, fed and watered the animals for the last time for awhile and nudged me to get me moving.

I got up at 5 today. Whoopie Doopie. I dragged out, put on my clothes, filled my biggest to go with coffee and grabbed the bag of stuff that somehow Mom still needed for the drivable house, reminded mate to grab the ice for her cooler, put the critters out and hit the door running.

The mate drove while I caught up with my caffine and nicotine needs. It was supposed to be clear but it was raining. We were there precisely at 5:45. There were no lights showing but the porch light went on out back as we pulled up.

I told him she was running around in the dark, like I do. Really she got half dressed and fell back to sleep. I started packing the cooler, bagging the odds and ends still to be loaded into plastic bags because of the rain while the mate went to see if the thing would start.

I got the thermos filled with coffee, the cooler filled to the rim and sent Mate out with them. I grabbed some more stuff and another bag of ice to load in the refridgerator then went back for another load leaving the mate firmly planted in the drivers seat to avoid any further discussion on who was sitting there at 6 in the morning after she hadn't rested well.

I got the rest of the stuff and ran it out, tucked it in, tied it down, packed it tight, and closed it up. I just got finished when the Mom crawled in the door with her purse and a to go of mini breakfast rolls.

We showed her how to use the fancy pump thermos and got her settled in with a cup of coffee, I kissed the mate, hugged the Mom and got out, put the step back and shut the door.

The huge contraption full of breakable dishes, glass jars of mayo, and two of the few people I ove in this world rolled out the gate. The trailer still sat at too steep an angle to make me happy, it bounced pretty good going over the little dip in the edge of the road. All I could think was he better only do about 45 mph or it would bounce hard enough to flip that baby right over and God keep them from pot holes on just one wheel of the trailer.

I locked up the gate, the house and turned off the lights, got into the little Chevy and went home.

It's 5 now, they ought to be in Tennesee by now, Good Lord willing and the creek didn't rise. I'm going home to wait for my first report around 10 tonight. I think I will ride first, then pull weeds and then eat.

Wish them luck and say a little prayer for the Mom and the Mate as they head south. Thank you.