
Bashed up Bikers

The big news today is not that I was running a little late for work, (which I hate but do often), it's that just before I got to the "big city" I looked into a medow to my right and saw a mama deer standing funny, all hunched up in the middle with her head low, looking toward her rear end.

I slowed way down in case there were more and tried to see if she was hurt or what when a shiny, little spotted fawn popped up out of the grass and started nursing while mama cleaned what she could reach of it. I was awed, you don't get to see that often, even in the boonies! I figure she was still hunched up as she was trying to pass the afterbirth. The little fawn tail spun in a circle, just like the baby horses do and I was too far to see more. What a great reason to be late!

Ok, so I mention yesterday that we are going to be riding one speeds for exercise, decide to check for cycling tips in other blogs and find out that they are all falling down. Like YIKES! I had one stupendous crash as a child that resulted in a major forehead goose egg and double black eyes but have managed to keep things rubber side down, or avoid destruction, mostly, since then on either type of bike.

Being one of those that avoids doctors when I can I thought I'd post another long comment with links on herbal remedies and leave a link at the site of the recovering crash victims.
I self treat as much as possible and, as I don't know how other people harvest their food and herbs, I am also one that grows her own organic vegetables, fruit, and herbs. The herb garden has been destroyed by 3 years of neglect but I will be starting a fresh one this year.

We worked for hours last night with the sprinkler and straw to protect the current vegetable garden, and six (2 newly planted) flower beds from the hard frost.

We built little straw igloos over the tomatoes, cantalope and strawberries as well as the bleeding hearts. We tarped two areas, especially the 100 pansies, but also what I call the circle garden of mostly annuals, that I just seeded 8 days ago. The Lupine that I grew from seed sent to me by a friend visiting Colorado also got well sprinkled and a straw hut as this is it's third year and I expect beautiful blooms from it this year. It's special because of the 4 other varieties in the post card envleopes I only have that and one columbine that made it.

By then, even though it was chilly and breezy, I was dripping like a sponge. We wound up the 2 miles of hose then went in to take a break. Once I was dried off we got the bikes out.
Now I was feeling pretty good considering I had ridden for the first time in 17 years yesterday and just busted butt to get the produce protected so I called to the mate on his bike behind me, "I'm going for the big one, hang a left!"

He followed me as I began my ride with a noticable uphill, probably a whole 11 degree grade. Made it thru one block of that, hung a right and pedaled through the gentle down grade, made the turn past the mud puddle with out sliding and begain the next up hill. I did ok on that one but the burn started in the tops of my thighs. I coasted as I crested that one to slow down for the next turn. That stretch was pretty level but when I made the corner back toward home it was uphill again and I'm saying,"I will NOT push the bike up this DINKY hill!" and pushing the pedals around almost as slowly as you can go and not tip over. It was touch and go but I did it. It's all on muddy gravel, too.

So I survived the second ride and we had a nice breakfast for supper, one of my favorites. Tonight is egg salad sandwiches made with my sisters organically correct eggs from her well cared for but not allowed to range chickens.

Comments: 2 Comments:
At 19/5/05 1:49 PM, Blogger Jesster said...

Frost in May is just nasty! It's been so cold in MN that half my tulips haven't even blossomed yet. Argh. I'm going to take a risk and put in my tomatoes this weekend. Keep your fingers crossed for me. :)

At 20/5/05 9:12 AM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

My tomatoes, even tucked in by straw, were yellowed but the dandy lions are just FINE of course!


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