
and anyone can tell, You don't know me

That is part of the problem. I can't know what you need to feel safe and happy in the big city and you can't know what I need to survive in the country. You people on the coasts in the south need a lot right now but until you tell me what is most important I can only send what I think you might need. The Australian Aborigines mostly need to be left alone on their land. Same with some Congo tribes. If I sent them jeans and t shirts they might do anything but wear them, how am I supposed to know.

Communication, interaction without fear. What if we swapped 2 kids per class a year world wide? 12 -one to sixth graders, 10 - eighth to 12th graders, in every school from other nations, speaking other languages and rotating them every year. In the first 10 years 220 kids from each school in the world would have been exposed to a different culture, language and belief system. They would have friends from all over the world. When they grew up to be our future government and decided to go to war they would be dooming their friends or friends of friends to distruction and maybe death. Would they try to find another way to setttle problems?

When we started populating North America we began where we landed and spread out. There were areas with coasts, harbors and bays then mountains, scrub trees and creeks, flat lands with the soil to grow crops, more mountains, more coasts only warmer, and in each of these areas some of us stayed. And someone else had to go. We bulled over the people that lived here before us and forced them to leave their homes and the land they loved or killed them. If they had been our friends would we have done it differently?

The King in England was ruling the colonies with an eye to sucking them dry of riches. Furs, shiny rocks, gold, whatever could be traded or sold to make a farthing. The problem was his rules didn't fit the situation here. He didn't know us. Being the peons and dregs of society, he didn't care what we thought we needed. He was King, what he said was law.

We fought a war to get shed of him and won - eventually. As we continued to spread out life became more dangerous as we were on our own. Different areas had differing needs and with little law and difficult transportation there was fighting and killing over everything from a certain piece of land to water or trees. We were killing each other.

This was unacceptable. Our women and children were dying, our men were being killed and we needed every able body to hold this land. The men who had been here on the East coast started organizing for government as far back as before the war with England. With no radio or television and newspapers few and dear yet, it was hard to communicate with all of our people. Think about that a little. No mail system either.

But finally, "We the People, in order to form a more perfect union,(unite many diversified people and cultures) establish justice,(protect the rights of all the people) insure domestic tranquility(provide a peaceful nation), provide for the common defense (protect the nation and it's people), Promote the general welfare, (so all people can strive to live comfortably) , and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves (keep the nation and it's individual's free of opression) and our posterity (and provide the same for future generations) do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America.

We had the beginning of our current government. It's not a bad plan. Three divisions of men committed to keeping an eye on each other so we didn't get one guy trying to run it all for himself. A body of our own citizens to form an army, arrange to care for the windows and orphans of war and the health and upkeep of our armed forces was planned. They would protect our borders and handle civil unrest. Diplomats to negotiate with other countries for trade and to keep the peace would be part of the government. New laws to protect people from evil do-ers would be put in place. They would be looking at the long view to plan ahead for the needs of future generations and protect the land itself and it's flora and fauna from being overly depleted.
Then the states began forming. Because different areas had different needs the states would be able to make their own laws for their unique populace. Eventually that got us 48 organized populations with their own governmental units. They had to let the federal government handle things that affected every citizen but their laws covered their people and the unique needs they had. The people in the area told the men in government what they thought was important and they began making laws.

So government started out as a good and even well organized idea. We would all chip in to get the big stuff done, and each state's people would chip in to cover their own area's needs. The rest was ours, unlike when the King taxed even the tea we would be drinking, taking most of everyone's income and leaving them little to live on.

But, like all humans with power, the men in the governments got greedy. They became more concerned with the trappings and display of government than with the PURPOSE. They needed fancier places to meet and built themselves a fancy meeting place. They needed the best furniture and finest furnishings so the other nations would see our wealth and style was equal to theirs. Then they needed more money to operate with and keep their families in fancy homes and schools. And more money to travel to other nations and visit. And more money for extra staff to run the office because they were out making laws, campaigning or visiting instead of working out of their offices. It's been all down hill ever since.

What our government is NOT doing, in any party, is addressing the needs of all the humans on all the planet. Our president would not sign the clean air commitment for our country. As if it is ok for the rest of the world to acknowledge that we must all work together to protect the atmosphere and the very air we breathe while Americans will continue to pollute as we please. This means we are no longer the wisest, most caring nation and that we no longer lead the other countries in advances. Now we won't even FOLLOW them into the future, we will be staying behind in our stinky, destroying fumes in the past.

The government is not protecting the citizens, now we must fight for protection from our own government. They are not protecting the environment we live in or the wild areas protected so future generations can have the joy of learning about nature and it's interdependent design for animals, plants and humans.

They are not developing our peoples full potential. Still thinking like feudal lords, their own children are provided the best our education system can offer while the rest of the people make do with what we can teach our children ourselves and the under funded, neglected and increasingly violent public school systems.

Instead of raising a nation of heros and survivors they have cut spending to our sports and physical education departments as "unnecessary". Our children are fat, undeveloped victims for anyone to intimidate and attack because they learn no self protection.

If they did have classes in every school for basic defense, the kids don't have the muscles they need to defend themselves. The exceptions are being abandoned to their own resources for places to work out or increase their skills unless they are Olympic quality.

Our school doesn't even have a ball field for the kids to use because they might use it unsupervised after hours and the school would be sued. So now, after school hours, they run unsupervised in the streets, stealing and shooting out steet lights because what else is there for them to do?

Is this planning for the future? Is this providing the best for all of our children? How many geniuses are being lost in the system that insists on driving every peg into a round hole no matter what it's shape? From our example as a nation, a state, a school and parents what are we showing our children?

By allowing futher destruction of our natural areas (even Michigan is considering privatizing their state parks...can we spell c o n d o?), neglecting the physical and mental development of our children, failing to make every effort to find economical alternatives to oil and coal, and continuing to stroll blissfully down the entrenched road of greed and self interest we are dooming our nation to a future with no heros, no geniuses, no ability to take care of it's own.

By not realizing that we own nothing but have a duty to preserve and protect everything for our future gens we have a government of short sighted greedy people. They are so busy making money they can't spend on things they won't be here to enjoy for the sole purpose of having more than the next guy that they don't even see that they have wasted their lives and our world's future.

They have no concept of stewardship only the "More for me" mentality that is keeping our children locked in fat stupidity forever. We will not be the sheep of the future, but the pigs, consuming but not contributing, fouling our home planet when even a dog will not crap where he sleeps, falling futher behind with each under educated generation until Made in America will be a joke. Because everyone knows the Germans and the Chinese make it better and cheaper.

There will be no flying cars made in America. We will have no rocket trips to the moon hotels. There will be no one smart enough to build them and the rest of us won't be able to pass the physical required before lift off.

And who has the power to change our government before it is too late?

Us, we the people.

The links to contact your reps are in the sidebar. Tell Michigan you can't sell state parks because they are held in trust for the future generations. That when even the cemetaries have been moved to build condos on there will be a little piece of the wild land we tamed for them to love and appreciate.

Tell your reps to commit to alternative energy sources. That if an off shore generator can run on wave power for only the cost of building and maintaining it, why are we burning oil instead of having CHEAP electricity? Because a power company may have to go the way of the dinosaurs? Yes it means jobs lost. Educate them and the people will find new jobs, maybe building and maintaining wind energy machines or solar power generators.

Tell your reps you don't want to have to buy your great grands new breathing masks for christmas every year as they out grow the old ones. You want the air cleaned and protected now! Give businesses that use the new superheated chimneys that put out electricity tax breaks to keep them from polluting our air.

Maybe you just want to tell them about the concept of stewardship. It's our government. They can't fix it if they don't know it's broken. I will bet not ONE of you clicks the link, finds your reps and writes to them.

It takes time, it's too much work, I'm nobody, why would they listen to me, I don't have a stamp. Pick an excuse. But don't whine to me when there is not one natural lake left fit to swim in or one river you can eat the fish you catch out of. I won't even say I told you so, I will be long dead and gone by then.

Government - by the people. Planet - one only. Air- limited resource. Oil - limited resource. Point of continuing the race of human? Some days I am not sure there is one.

I don't do politics and I think I am done now. Thank you for reading and thank you so much for the great comments in the previous post.

Comments: 4 Comments:
At 23/1/06 7:39 PM, Blogger Anvilcloud said...

Keep spreading the word, Valerie. They are good words to spread.

At 23/1/06 8:48 PM, Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

My brain just does these things sometimes.

I'm really just a normal, ignoring the world around me human getting by and taking care of the family the best I can.

Then some hormone activates my cortex and stuff comes spewing out in gobs of unorganized words and feelings.

But I liked this one. I don't own anything anymore, I use it. I passed on two things this weekend for other users to enjoy and really Groked the giving rush.

Plus I have a whole bunch of stuff I am not using well or to capacity I will be getting off and enjoying another's joy in receiving the item.

More fun ahead.

At 25/1/06 6:35 AM, Blogger dan said...

This is some pretty heavy stuff lately... Though it's all right on the mark, it makes me wonder where it's coming from...

At 26/1/06 7:37 AM, Blogger Fred said...

Maybe you should do politics. Well written.

Some of the problems with our government is that, in a presidential system, things are clumsy, and incremental change is the result. It takes too long to turn things around. Energy policy? No president has been able to do anything because the other party has stymied any effort to change our habits.

In a parliamentary system (Canada, U.K.), things can move much quicker. There's very little opposition, and weak judicial review.

Now, one would argue if Bush were in a parliamentary system here, that might be dicey. But, we're falling farther behind other nations in many areas because we can't form a unified opinion and move forward. We're too fragmented and power lies in too many places.

We need a crisis before we'll act. That's unfortunate.


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