I do SO have a life!
When I was younger I used to do a lot of crafts. Macrame, crochet, tatting, wood working, decopage, sewing, and more. I used to make all my own gifts for the holidays and birthdays and some of them were really great. I loved making my own candles, too.
It seems like I don't really have time for them anymore but I seem to be missing the fun of doing crafts and I have finally found an outlet for my creativity. So, once again, inspired by MooCow, I encourage you to click, print and cut out your entertainment for the day.First we have the Moo talking to crickets stand up toy. and then we have (drum roll.........(you'll never guess)..........flourish of trumpets!)
The Crickets! click on the pics to go to the full size version. Cut them out and have your own "Moo and his crickets play set. Be the first cubie on the block to have your very own set! I have been wanting to show you the photo demo of how to play with finger puppets in case any of you are too old and forgot how to have fun with them but the photos were too dark so I will have to try again sometime.
And I'll let you know how the weekend went later! For now, have fun!
i like how you made moo look all macho like.
LOL! That is Grown up Moo with a little modification. He was the easiest to make looking downward where the crickets are!
I swear I am so printing out that cricket in the bra top and miniskirt and playing with it. ROFL!
Thanks Dan, that's what they are for. My happy moo dances around the pen holder and the monitor a lot and makes me laugh every time I look at him.
I was afraid no on would realize she is a girl cricket. I think we called them halter tops when I was a kid.
Ha ha! I love the "Insects are the bestest"!
That's awesome!
Just trying to fit them into the story line. The top left one has a bowl of popcorn. I hope he doesn't get butter all over his legs, I don't think he can chirp with greasy legs...LOL!
Halter top! I knew I knew what it was!
She's keeping me company at my desk at work right now as we speak.
Hell yeah! About time!
Oh, be still my beating heart! WhooHooo!
You ROCK, McChirp!
Just brilliant! Thanks for the giggles.
*blushes* High praise indeed from so respected a blogger, Cyrus.
Thank you and do have fun now!
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